Protect against Title IX and submit a comment by September 12, 2022.

The US Department of Education released their proposed changes to Title IX regulations that would dramatically change the future for women and girls in federally funded activities and programs. There are many negative impacts that will harm girls, women, and families.

A government portal has been set up for you to make a comment submission.  It is very straight-forward and easy to do.  In addition, this governmental body is required to read every submission, large and small – before they can finalize the new “Rule.”  So rest assured, your input will be read and considered.


September 30, 2024

By Linda Sulzen

The 2024 International Religious Freedom Report was released by the State Department with findings showing that fifty percent of the World’s population is being persecuted for their religious beliefs. This matters to Americans because the State Department has expressed hate crimes against Jews and Muslims has increased in the United States. Even with this news at home and internationally First Liberty has had Supreme Court wins for religious freedom. The first amendment to the Constitution of the United States has a provision that prohibits the government from forming a religion or having state sponsored churches; a second clause protects citizens rights to practice their religion how they want as long as it doesn’t cause an issue with public morals or a compelling government interest.

The United States is ranked 17th in the world for religious freedom among  top U.N. Human Development index countries. This summer the 2024 Religious Liberty in the States Index was announced which is a published list of domestic religious freedoms. The index focuses on religious safeguards implemented in state laws and constitutions. According to the report, states are doing better overall and making changes toward supporting religious freedom but there is still a lot that needs to be done.

A recent research project Pew Charitable Trusts aimed to understand America’s faith traditions and help foster respect among people of differing religions or those of no religious affiliation. There was no consensus over what program was best and findings had literature that suggested educational programs among individuals of varied faiths with evidence of attitude change as well as appreciation for one another.

What did work according to the study but needs ongoing training or classes to have lasting effects was games and exercises with young people; one example was a change in American University students in the way they viewed Muslims after watching a Canadian situational comedy, “Little Mosque on the Prairie.” Approaches that combined contact, education, skill building including empathy, leadership and openness were more effective in building overall religious acceptance at colleges or universities; the study addressed that missing in the mentioned programs was targeting religious bias.

First Liberty’s Center for Religion, Culture & Democracy released the 2024 Religious Liberty in States index and gave five ways individuals could help improve their states scores, they are as follows: 

  1. Enact a Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Currently 25 states have one in place, which ensures the broad protection of religious freedoms and says government should accommodate religious practices. 
  2. Pass a General Conscience Provision for Healthcare Professionals. Medical professionals can refuse to provide procedures or services without punishment in federally funded facilities because of religious or moral reasons in several states. 
  3. Ensure Businesses Can Operate Consistent with Their Faith. Mississippi is the only state with protections for business owners; citizens can encourage their states to adopt similar protections. 
  4. Protect Public Official’s First Amendment Rights. States could offer public officials protections so they could decline participation in ceremonies or events that were not in line with their religious beliefs. 
  5. Allow Excused Absences for Religious Holidays. California is a state that has provisions in place for many minor holidays in public school so they can be celebrated by children for religious reasons. Other states could follow this example.

Knox Thames of the United States Institute of Peace explained that understanding the religious landscape of communities and promoting freedom of thought, conscience, religion and beliefs leads to a de-escalation of violence, security and better stability. There is much that citizens can do to help protect religious freedoms for themselves and others.

Linda Sulzen
Linda Sulzen is joining United Families International as an intern for Brigham Young University Idaho; she will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Marriage and Family Studies in December of 2024. Linda lives in Indiana with her husband, and enjoys spending time with family, hiking, gardening, cooking, and sewing. Safeguarding family values has always been a priority for her, and she looks forward to continuing that pursuit while working with UFI.
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