by United Families International | Sep 12, 2011 | Abortion, Abstinence, Cohabitation, Marriage, Myth Buster, UFI
Ask any pro-abortion individual how to best reduce the abortion rate. Almost without exception, they will say, “increase the availability of contraception.” Well, there’s a new analysis out that lays waste to that notion. It sure appears that the best way to...
by United Families International | Sep 9, 2011 | Child Development, Cohabitation, Divorce, Marriage, Parents, UFI
By Danny Quinney First, I think it is important to tell you, I consider myself an expert on marriage. Not that I’m educated in, received any awards, accolades, or even an “atta boy” on the subject. Next month (October 2011) my wife and I will have been married 20...
by United Families International | Jun 2, 2011 | Family, Marriage, Polls, UFI Blog
Here’s the question we asked our UFI readers: “Has the recession strengthened or strained your marriage?” Here’s how our readers responded: 40 Percent Strained my marriage 33 Percent Strengthened my marriage 27 Percent No impact There has...
by United Families International | May 30, 2011 | Divorce, Marriage, UFI Blog
If as an organization UFI is going to promote marriage, it makes sense to pay attention to dating. And you can’t talk about dating now without the discussion including on-line or internet dating. So here’s an interesting infographic from online schools that will...
by United Families International | May 26, 2011 | Divorce, Marriage, Polls, UFI Blog
Here’s the question we asked our UFI readers: “If your spouse committed adultery, would you be willing to consider keeping the marriage intact?” Here is the response: 73 Percent Yes, if my spouse was truly willing to change 16...