Religion and religious freedoms are under assault. Which group do you believe is the most aggressive in their efforts to remove religion from the public square?
Here’s how UFI readers answered:
7 Percent Academia
42 Percent Homosexual Activists
14 Percent Mainstream Media
9 Percent Popular Culture
28 Percent Legal Organizations/Courts
Looks like the vast majority believe that religious freedom is under assault primarily from homosexual activists and their friends in the legal system. It is difficult to disagree. Many pundits and legal analyst point out that religion and “gay rights” are on a head-on collision course.
See Becket Fund’s state by state analysis of what will occur if same-sex marriage is legalized.
This week’s question:
Has pornography negatively impacted your immediate family?
(*Regarding privacy concerns , know that UFI has no way of tracking any response.)
- Yes, my spouse
- Yes, my children
- Yes, my parent
- No
- Unsure whether anyone involved
Click HERE and scroll to bottom of the page to cast your vote!