One of the most important rights of parents is the ability to choose where and how their children will be educated. That parental right becomes even more crucial as we watch the problems in society and culture spiral downward and the quality of education has diminished. The last decade has seen major strides in providing options for parents in K-12 education as the “school choice” movement has begun to blossom. January is the month for numerous pro-life and pro-family commemorations and celebrations and this week has been deemed “National School Choice Week.”
We encourage you to consider the quality of your child’s education. Are you content? Is your child learning and flourishing? Did you know that you have options? For example, the State of Arizona just recently released a new website to aid their citizens. You can go here to learn what options might be available to you in other areas of the country and to join the effort to promote school choice.
There is no right or wrong answer as to where your child should be educated; but it is definitely important that as a parent you have the right to make that decision. There are some parents who don’t. Watch the video below.