Here’s the question we asked our readers:
“Is it appropriate for a college professor to breastfeed her baby during a class lecture?”
Here’s how readers responded:
18 Percent Yes, what’s the big deal
9 Percent Only if there’s no other option
73 Percent No
0 Percent Can’t decide
We came to ask this question because of the news story about the controversy swirling around a college professor who breastfed her baby during a lecture. Breastfeeding is exceptionally beneficial for babies and their mothers. We at United Families International are definitely “pro” breastfeeding. However, we wonder about the wisdom (and the propriety) of breastfeeding a baby while delivering a lecture. It would seem that both students and the baby deserve better.
When an individual is hired to teach a class, or for that matter to perform any job, that person needs to give their full attention to the job at hand. Unless it is agreed to in advance by the employer, a child should not be such a prominent feature in a work environment. To say the child, in this situation, is an unwarranted distraction seems to be understatement. The college professor had a professional obligation to make other arrangements for her child or to find a substitute.
Anyone else want to weigh in?