In an initiative started by writers for AMERICAblog, LGBT activists are attempting to make their money talk. They are calling for a stop to all donations and contributions to the DNC, Organizing for America, and the Obama campaign until the President fulfills promises made during the 2008 Presidential election to support homosexual right. AMERICAblog writes:
“President Obama promised to be a “fierce advocate” for LGBT Americans. But while making modest progress on a scant few issues, on the major campaign promises made to our community, the President and the Democratic party have failed to keep their commitments.
“There has been little, if any, pressure from the White House for votes on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). The administration continues to send mixed signals on the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT). And we’ve been told not to expect the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) to even be considered until President Obama’s second term. In the last two weeks alone, we were angered that the Obama administration continued to defend DOMA in the courts — last June, the administration’s lawyers even compared loving gay relationships to incest and pedophilia — and we were saddened that the White House and the Democratic party refused to help us defeat anti-gay ballot initiatives in Maine and Washington state. LGBT Americans, our families, and our friends kept our promise at the ballot box, we now expect President Obama to keep his in the White House.”
LGBT individuals have long been a pillar of DNC fundraising, but if the boycott actually works the DNC will not have that pillar to lean on until the President and Democratic party enact ENDA and overturn both DADT and DOMA. Most seem doubtful if the boycott will truly have any affect. However, AMERICAblog is claiming that Barney Frank’s recent recommitment to overturn DADT is a response to the boycott efforts.