In a blatant “in your face” to the U.S. Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), the Obama Administration has allowed—no instructed—Census 2010 workers to tell citizens that they can violate the law of the land. The Census Bureau has issued this directive: “Same-sex couples who are married or consider themselves to be spouses [in any state], can identify one person to be a husband or wife.” That’s right, if you feel like (“consider”) someone living at your house to be your spouse then they are your spouse, whether you are legally married or not.
The Federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) defines marriage as a legal union between one man and one woman for purposes of all federal laws. Therefore, the Census Bureau is putting itself above the law. Their current policy issues an open invitation to individuals to fabricate (lie) and to circumvent (break) the law. This advocacy of law breaking is not being promoted by some criminal syndicate but by the current U.S. administration.
UFI first reported on this back in October. But there continues to be more to the story. The Census Bureau is also encouraging another piece of fiction. They are urging transgender individuals to check off the sex they identify with, not necessarily the one they were born with. The official Census 2010 website has a public service ad/testimonial directed at the LBGT community where “transgenders” are told that they will have the “ability to be recorded as their gender of choice using the name they are most comfortable with…[transgender individuals] can list whatever gender matches their gender identity.”
To see more overt pro-homosexual advocacy go to the official Census 2010 website. There you will see a list of video testimonials listed A-Z on the left tool bar. With a quick search of those video testimonials you will see that no less than 16 of the 46 videos are directed to the homosexual community to encourage them to fill out and return their Census forms. If you consider the percentage of homosexuals in this country (somewhere around 3%), that seems like a disproportional number of “testimonials” when the money being spent on the Census 2010 campaign is supposedly meant to encourage all Americans to return their census forms.
Some people are calling this overt political kowtowing to the gay agenda: “the queering of the census.” Actually, gay advocates themselves have coined the term and they are ecstatic about all the attention the homosexual community is receiving via the census push. “It’s another way of weaving us into the fabric instead of continuing to see as outsiders,” said Jaime Grant, director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force’s Policy Institute. As part of their “Queering the Census” campaign activists are distributing stickers for gays and lesbians to attach to their census forms so census takers can identify them as gay, lesbian, transgender or bisexual. So what’s at the end of the gay rainbow for them? The inclusion of “sexual orientation” on the 2020 Census form.