We asked our readers this question:
“Do you think that “‘duty to die” and euthanasia may eventually be culturally and politically promoted as a solution for the overburdened social programs caused by an abundance of aging baby boomers?”
Here’s how they responded:
Never Happen 7 Percent
Yes, it will happen 89 Percent
We sure hope that our readers are wrong, but we fear they are not going to be. Demographic projections are quite clear – there aren’t enough children being born to continue to support the social programs currently in place for the aging population, particularly the large group of individuals commonly known as the “baby boom generation.”
Which brings us to another question: United Families was contacted by a man who told us that the term “baby boomers” is derogatory and we shouldn’t ever be using that term. We were quite surprised; we weren’t aware of a negative connotation associated with the term. So we ask you: “In your mind and experience, is the title “baby boom generation” a negative term?” Respond and let us know!