Here’s the question:
“Do you believe that it is crucial that developing countries reduce their population?
Here is the UFI reader response:
91 percent No
6 percent Yes
3 percent Unsure
United Families International representatives are currently attending the UN Commission on Population and Development (CPD). The mantra of the UN is that “poverty reduction can best be accomplished by reducing population.” Of course there’s the ever favorite: “The world has a population explosion.” Getting rid of the world’s population is always a priority – especially at CPD.
To see some statistics on fertility rates and population go here.
Also, just for fun, consider this:
The world population (6,793,593,686 as of the end of 2010) if miraculously moved to the state of Texas, would result in a population density of 25,292.5 souls per square mile, or somewhat greater than 1/3 as dense as the current situation in Manhattan, which amounts to 70,994.75 persons per square mile.