October 21, 2024
By Linda Sulzen
The BBC has reported that the abortion issue usually deals with the rights of the mother and the fetus and not the father. There are cases where fathers want a mother to get an abortion and she does not go through with it or where the mother gets an abortion and the father wanted the baby. Internationally courts have tried to deal with these issues;
- In 2002 the Chinese tried to give equal rights to men and women.
- The U.S. has determined that the woman can veto a man when it comes to her abortion, and she does not have to inform him.
- Men tried to get rights to prevent partners from aborting their babies in 1987 and 2001in the United Kingdom and they failed.
There are various ways men respond to a partner’s abortion as explained in an article by Mary C. Lamia Ph.D. who said beliefs, values and contradictory emotions can result in silent grief. Partner’s of women who have had abortions may have a positive or negative experience but even if they are relieved studies have found that they may later have disturbing thoughts of guilt, loss, grief, feelings of responsibility, depression, anger, and more.
Co-director, Vincent Rue, Ph.D of the Institute for Pregnancy Loss, Jacksonville, Florida expressed that “Irrespective of the law, both man and woman co-created the pregnancy, and both will live with the aftermath, regardless of how some may try to celebrate “choice.” In “The Hollow Men,” pamphlet the U.S. Supreme Court is discussed as shaping a man’s role in abortion and exposes the fact that in no state is there a law allowing a husband to be informed about his wife’s abortion. There have been at least 28 studies on men’s reactions to abortions which brings to light men being less comfortable expressing vulnerable emotions which has led instead to them possibly saying nothing because that was what was expected of them. Men may become hostile, have relationship issues, cope alone, experience despair and long-term grief.
In his article for America First Policy Institute, Matias Perttula offers solutions for Father’s rights that could help support family responsibilities and prevent abortions. Perttula suggests:
Father’s rights should be secured while their responsibilities toward the child and mother should be enforced.
- Because it was found by the Guttmacher Institute that 73% of abortive mothers could not support their child at the time of abortion the father should be responsible for the unborn child and the mother.
- The 2022 Unborn Child Support Act is legislation that allows the courts to award child support even retroactively to pregnant mothers for their unborn child which would ensure the support they need financially.
To have an influence on a woman’s right to choice over her fetus, the father involved may have an impact by sharing his voice and by providing support for the mother and baby. Parents’ rights to the child can be shared and parenting time set up. Fathers will then feel like they have a role to play and are not on the sidelines but actively involved in their child’s life.