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UFI Issue Updates
Have you seen it?
Unthinkable Reality of Abortion If you haven’t seen it already, you need to know about it. It has received over 100,000 views every hour since its release two days ago. It is the undercover video where Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of...
We’d about given up hope…
Victories for Family! After a few weeks of devastating blows to rule of law, marriage, and family, there is some good news coming to us from a world that increasingly seems turned upside down. First, on Wednesday, a draft of the final outcome document on the United...
A Mighty Blow to the Foundation of Liberty
A Mighty Blow to the Foundation of Liberty On Saturday we will celebrate the 239th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, when the American forefathers began to build a foundation of liberty for the newly forming United States. However, last...
“Ruling: It’s All About Me”
The Ruling Heard Round The World United Families International is deeply disappointed by today’s Supreme Court ruling making same-sex marriage legal the United States. This ruling by 5 out of 9 unelected judges not only robs Americans of the “freedom to govern...
The “Why” of Abortion Decline
The Real Reasons Abortions are Declining This month the media reported that the rate of abortions in the United States has declined by 12% since 2010. The latest U.S. abortion rate of 16.9 was the lowest recorded rate since 1973. In some states such as Indiana,...
“Good Men — Going, Going, Gone?”
With Father’s Day approaching in the U.S., we gratefully acknowledge the critical contribution of good fathers. We also acknowledge the many ways marriage and family is beneficial to men. Today’s thought-provoking alert by Dawn Frandsen reveals how the disintegration...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
Will Marriage Change Down Under?
By Erin Weist Australia is currently undergoing a national plebiscite (a postal vote) on whether or not to allow same-sex marriage. This is not a legally-binding vote but a means for public feedback on a certain principle: in this case, whether or not same-sex...
History of Abortion in the U.S. Supreme Court
By Diane Robertson In the last week, a federal judge completely struck down an Indiana state law outlawing abortions based on the baby's race, gender, or disability. How, or why, was this conclusion reached, and what led to this action? Understanding the history of...
An Entitled Generation
By Cathi Bond It seems that the kids raised in today’s society are taught to think and act more entitled than ever before. Where has this come from, and why is so entrenched in our society? In her article entitled “Narcissistic Children and Teens: Does Your Child Act...
Picture Perfect
By Cathi Bond In today’s technological world we are bombarded with hundreds of images of ‘perfect’ men and women every day in all forms of media. Photo-laden social media sites like Facebook and Instagram can promote negative social comparisons. Typically on social...
Moral Questions About Abortion
By Diane Robertson The modus operandi for today's abortion debate focuses on the humanity, or not, of the unborn. Some may argue that anytime between conception and birth the baby is not human and thus has no intrinsic value. By this logic there is no moral reason to...
What Matters Most
By Ashley Corbaley I do not live far from Houston and Hurricane Harvey hit much too close to home. As word that Harvey had turned from a tropical storm to a Category 3 hurricane, then a Category 4, panic spread throughout my town. I went to the store to find the...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality