Updates, Blogs AND ANSWERS
UFI Issue Updates
Largest Pro-Family Gathering in the World
It’s the largest pro-family gathering in the world—and for the first time in history, it is coming to the United States! Please join us at the World Congress of Families IX, in Salt Lake City, Utah, October 27-30, 2015. This is the “premier global gathering of...
Students Speak Out about Porn
From the Desk of Laura Bunker: One of the greatest threats to families across the world is pornography. It is addictive as crack cocaine, and as attested in today’s UFI articles by young adult college students, is devastating to marriages and families. At United...
Behind the Curtain of the Teacher’s Union
From the Desk of Laura Bunker: Here in the U.S., the end of August means the beginning of the school year. One school principal described it as her favorite time of year, when a hush settles through the halls, as teachers and students become acquainted and begin...
“What Videos?”
"What Videos?" The fifth undercover video exposing Planned Parenthood was released this week. Five different videos*, five different members of Planned Parenthood leadership, all casually discussing the unthinkable practice of harvesting and selling aborted baby...
From the Desk of Laura Bunker: Everywhere we go, people ask us “What can I do to support the family?” Today we have two good suggestions -- but please act quickly because time is of the essence! Tomorrow: On Tuesday, July 28, Pro-life citizens in more than 50 cities...
The New “Sliver Spoon”
From the Desk of Laura Bunker: Since the U.S. Supreme Court redefined marriage to include same-sex marriage, some people want to “take the government out of marriage.” However, this would harm marriage and family even more. Even with the recent legal redefinition of...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
Girls Allowed
By Ashley Corbaley Yes, girls can do anything boys can do. But does it have to be everything? October 11th is International Day of the Girl. This is an international day of observance set aside by the United Nations to share awareness for gender inequality and to...
Two Huge Lies
By Breaunna Stone Tori Black recently published an article on the United Families International blog that discussed how some individuals and groups silence their ideological opponent with a label. One of the most popular labels used today is “hateful.” In my few short...
Petition on the Right to Life in International Law
We’re in the last few days of collecting signatures to present to a United Nations body that is setting up to issue legal commentary on an international treaty that excludes unborn children from a “right to life.” United Families International has joined with other...
Why I Will Always Protect the Freedom of Speech of Those with Whom I Disagree
By Miriam Merrill Freedom of speech may be guaranteed through the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, but that does not mean it comes easily. Domestically we find with more frequency that opposing sides call for the silencing of their disputant rather...
Tolerance for me, but not for thee
by Alannah Hurley “Tolerance: a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.” June 15th, 2017, a group of LGBT individuals disrupted an ex-gay...
Victims of the Opioid Epidemic: Children
By McKayla Skinner Recently I came across a CNN article entitled “The Opioid Crisis Took this 8-year-old’s Father Away” by Christina Manduley and Kimberly Berryman. The reporters highlighted the experience of an 8-year-old girl, Ava, who was awaiting the release of...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality