Updates, Blogs AND ANSWERS
UFI Issue Updates
Your Gift to Your Children and the World
September 15, 2016 Can you guess the single most searched-for topic on ourUFI website? Our most frequently viewed Guide to Family Issues? If you guessed “Divorce,” you would be right. If you are searching for answers regarding your marriage, you are not alone....
Your Voice is Needed on Human-Animal Research
The human-animal cross-species are called “chimeras,” after the Greek mythology creature that was part lion, part goat, and part snake. Last September the NIH abruptly suspended support of chimera research while they reviewed the ethical implications. The agency...
Good News about School Restrooms
Parents, students, and teachers across the United States expressed concern about the “Dear Colleague Letter” sent out earlier this year by the Obama administration, requiring schools to allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms “consistent with their gender...
The Most Powerful Back-to-School Supplies
For many families a new school year brings excitement and new challenges - including the tug and pull of “what Teacher says” versus what Mom or Dad says - or the even stronger riptide of what friends may say or do. Take a deep breath parents, YOU are still the #1...
Abortion distortion at the supreme court
It was a little over one year ago that we learned the unthinkable reality of abortion, as several undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) began to be released. One by one, these videos unveiled Planned Parenthood’s gruesome practice of harvesting...
Welcome to our New Home
We listened to your suggestions, and we are excited to announce that United Families International (UFI) has a new Home! Home-page, that is, and it comes with an entirely new website jam-packed with helpful resources and information on family issues. We invite you to...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
Changes for Marriage Law in Latin America
By Elise Ellsworth On January 8, 2018 the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled that same-sex marriages should be recognized. This landmark ruling is binding precedent in Costa Rica and could do the same for other signatory countries, including Chile, Mexico,...
Together at the Table
By McKayla Skinner When it comes to good health many Pediatricians will include family meals as part of their triage. This is not solely in honor of the maxim “Families who eat together, stay together,” rather it is built upon research findings that suggests that if a...
The Solution to Gun Violence No One is Talking About
By Miriam Merrill Regardless of which side of the gun control dichotomy you fall on, I think we can all agree on one thing: lives are precious. As the nation tries to make sense of these recent tragic events, several alleged social and political culprits have been...
Who Has Your Back
Some people have your back When it comes to protecting the integrity of the family and traditional values, one entity at the United Nations stands out, and that is the Holy See. “Holy See” comes from the Latin Sancta Sedes, which means “Holy Chair” and refers to the...
Families and Addiction
By Ashley Corbaley When most people hear the word “addiction” they think of being dependent on a substance such drugs or alcohol. There are many substances to which people can be addicted. There are also behaviors that can be addictive. Sometimes we can be addicted to...
Let’s Talk About Intimacy : Sex Education
By Marci Nelson When I was in the 8th grade, I borrowed a book from my school library. It was a romance novel and, having read a handful of novels by this author, I did not think twice about my choice. However one night while reading it before bed, I noticed that it...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality