Updates, Blogs AND ANSWERS
UFI Issue Updates
The Enduring Nature of the March for Life
Hello Friends, Dr. Bernard Nathanson was an influential proponent of legalized abortion. He performed, by his own admission, 60,000 abortions during his career. He admitted to lying about how many abortions were performed before legalization and about how many women...
China: Punishing the Faithful and Making Churches an Arm of the State
From the Desk of Tori Black: Hello Friends, It is hard to know for certain, but the best estimates from internal surveys indicate that there are approximately 31 million Christians living in China today and close to 22 million Muslims. While Islam has been present in...
Family – When Less May Not Be More
From the Desk of Tori Black: Russell M. Nelson, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has said, “The home is the laboratory of love, and in it resides the most important unit of the Church and of society—the family.” We live, however, in a day...
Parents: The First and Best Defense Against Pornography in Schools
From the Desk of Tori Black: Hello Friends, Just a couple of thoughts…questions really. How familiar are you with everything that is going on at your children’s school (or your grandchildren’s)? And if something happened at school that was harmful to your kids, would...
The Major Forces We Are Up Against…
The Major Forces We Are Up Against… Borrowing a phrase from a prominent US city, the perspective of the vast majority of Americans is, “What Happens at the UN, stays at the UN.” Sadly, however, this isn’t the case. On the contrary, to a large degree the UN can...
Medical Marijuana Done Right
From the Desk of Tori Black: Dear Friends, A few years ago I went to my first legislative committee hearing about medical marijuana. It was eye-opening in a way that surprised me because it fundamentally changed the way I looked at cannabis and those seeking to...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
We Need Children Even More than They Need Us: Part 2
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Jenet Erickson The first article in this series focused on how societies benefit from an orientation toward nurturing children within families....
Is Instagram Ruining Your Marriage?
By Miriam Merrill Your Instagram account may be ruining your marriage. With the number of active monthly users reaching 1 billion, Instagram is more popular than ever. While there are millions of users in every age category, approximately 64% of users are...
We Need Children Even More than They Need Us
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Jenet Erickson When renowned Harvard sociologist Carle Zimmerman published his sweeping analysis of the rise and fall of great civilizations, he...
Surrogacy: Babies on Demand and Motherhood in Pieces
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Camille Williams Rachel’s cry of longing, envy and despair, “Give me children else I die” (Genesis 30:1) is echoed in our day by infertile...
The Equality Act – An Atrocity Against Women
Contributed by Tori Black On Tuesday, April 2, 2019, the House Judiciary Committee held a full committee hearing on HR5, the Equality Act. Sponsors and supporters of the act claim that it will extend civil rights protections based on sex, sexual orientation and gender...
Technology’s Threat to Our Children
By Marisa Higley As a child I lived a life almost completely without technology. I spent my time outside, climbed trees, played in the mud and dirt, jumped on the trampoline, and picked raspberries from our bushes. Every chance I had I was outside exploring. I rarely...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality