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UFI Issue Updates
To Change the Future, Children Need History
Hello Friends, When I was young, my grandmothers told me stories about my family – about my grandfather who died before I was born who made his living as a professional musician and my great-grandfather who was a teacher and school administrator in the Hawaiian...
Current Culture Sabotages the Capacity for Happiness
Hello Friends, Despite the fact that family is most frequently mentioned as the greatest source of meaning and fulfillment in life, young people are having difficulty forming families. It turns out that modern society and modern values make it hard to establish...
Our Modern Culture War: LGBTQ Rights vs. Religious Liberty
Hello Friends, The term “culture war” is not one I use lightly. The first time I heard it used, I was still fairly young and striving to make sense of the political climate of the times. The term comes from the German Kulturkampf, or culture struggle, and was first...
No, Religious Women are not Brainwashed
Hello Friends, Despite the fact that 83% of the country identifies as Christian, many journalists and legendary media outlets are illiterate at best when it comes to religion, and antagonistic at worst. So their response shouldn’t shock us when studies reveal opinions...
Dad – A Girl’s First and Most Influential Love
Hello Friends, It almost seems counterintuitive… When we think of helping girls to grow up to be strong, confident women, we naturally give her examples of good women who have gone places and accomplished much. There are magazine articles, books, and websites...
The Struggle Against Abortion – A “Herculean Endeavor”
Hello Friends, Harvard constitutional law professor, Laurence Tribe, once called abortion the “clash of absolutes.” The issue and the people on either side of it are often described as irreconcilable and intractable, leading Tribe to claim that “the debate is...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
Lessons from Dumbledore: Standing Up to Anti-Science Activism
By Tori Black In the first of the Harry Potter books, The Sorcerer’s Stone, the headmaster, Dumbledore, shares this bit of wisdom: “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.” JK Rowling, the author of the...
Bethlehem and the Gift of the Family
Contributed by Tori Black Every December for the last three years, I have participated in a community event in San Diego celebrating the season in inspired word and song. Every year is a witness of hearts and lives changed just by spending an hour and a half listening...
The Equal Rights Amendment – Not Dead and Still Dangerous
This image is from the Florida Memory Project hosted at the State Archive of Florida and is released to the public domain in the United States under the terms of Section 257.35(6), Florida Statutes. By Tori Black On her first day of work, Amelia Bedelia, the...
Thanksgiving Food for Thought
By Tori Black Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays: a day to gather with those we love and focus on all that we have to be grateful for. It also tends to feel a little squeezed though: the four-day break that separates the costumes and candy of...
Preparing Children to Guard Their Hearts and Minds
By Eleah Boyd According to statista.com, there are somewhere between 500,000 and one million newly published book titles every year in the United States. With the cost-effectiveness of small print runs and digital book publishing, self-publishing is easier than ever....
The Pernicious Effect of Pornography on Home and Society
Contributed by Tori Black United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Author Mary Day Winn once said, “Sex is the tabasco sauce which an adolescent national palate sprinkles on every course of the menu.”...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality