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UFI Issue Updates
In Vitro Gametogenesis: The Dystopian Technology Designed to Dismantle Reproduction and Heterosexuality
Today’s article feels like the script of a futuristic science fiction screenplay where doctors and scientists scheme to create an outlandish plot to demolish the traditional family. Their strategy - to change the way the world and policy makers view the parent-child...
Sexual Integrity: The Key to a Happy Life
From the desk of Wendy Wixom: When I was young my father often shared a story about my paternal grandfather. He had gone to the small-town market. When checking out, he realized he had forgotten his wallet. The grocer told him, “Milton, you are a man of your word. ...
The Personhood of the Fetus: Reframing the Abortion Debate
From the Desk of Wendy Wixom: Recently there have been numerous discussions surrounding the value of people. Human beings are of great value regardless of their age, race, sex, nationality, income status or religious beliefs. That might seem a logical statement. ...
Help UFI Stop the United Nations Efforts to Undermine Religious Freedom
From the Desk of Wendy Wixom: Sunday, I gathered with others in my community for our Sabbath religious service. Due to Covid-19 restrictions there were some noticeable differences from what Church was like four months ago. Not only were there fewer attendees, but it...
A Texas Victory for Parents and Children We Can All Celebrate
From the Desk: With increasing frequency, the legal rights of fit parents are being challenged. However, June 26th was a big win for parental rights and for all children. The Texas Supreme Court delivered an opinion reinforcing the constitutional underpinning of a...
Preserving Freedom and Women’s Sports
From the Desk: During the past few months of COVID isolation one thing many have missed is watching or participating in sports – whether it’s professional, college or the local High School competition. Lately, we have also heard an increase in conversations regarding...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
Canceling Cancel Culture – A Goal for 2021 We Can All Embrace
Contributed by Tori Black “How can you convince somebody that has never met you and the only thing they’ve ever seen of you is that three-second clip?” Mimi Groves was a freshman in high school when she posted a video celebrating her new driver’s permit, in which she...
The Indispensable Role of Dads
By Amy Chariton Growing up in a family with 9 kids – 8 girls and 1 boy – my dad did everything he could to meet our needs and to keep us safe. I remember when I was young, my dad would go around the house late at night after everyone was home to lock the doors. This...
2020 – A Blessing of Thin Times and Places
By Tori Black When my father, an only child, passed away, it was time for my grandmother to relocate. She was 82 and living by herself in a rather remote location but now she was without my father to keep tabs on her. Her home was a one-bedroom cabin, and it was...
Examining the Connection Between Sex Ed and Abortion
By Sharma Worthen Anderson “I sold abortions,” Carol Everett told the crowd. “How do you do that? It’s called sex education.” Everett, who owned and ran abortion clinics for many years before she became pro-life, said her abortion clinics carefully crafted a sex...
Escaping the Trap of Alcohol Addiction
By Danica Winberg Michelle’s* bathroom door still has two holes in it. One hole is from her husband’s fist and the other hole is from the door hitting her head as it swung open when he punched it. After 8 hours of her texts and calls being ignored by her husband...
Twenty-seven Year-Old Babies: The Promise and Perils of Embryo Adoption
By Katy Faust Baby Molly was created in a petri dish in 1992, and frozen on October 14 that same year. 27 years later, she was transferred into the womb of Tina Gibson and born on October 26, 2020. Tina’s body had also been the warm receptacle for baby Molly‘s frozen...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality