Updates, Blogs AND ANSWERS
UFI Issue Updates
The Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation: A Bright Spot of News in Challenging Times
Children often look at adults to find one who has accomplished what they hope to become. They may choose one person they admire for their success in their career, another for their profound results of dedicated effort in developing a talent and yet another for their...
Lessons from a pandemic: A letter to my children
I have long heard the word “remember” referred to as one of the most important words – remember to be grateful, remember, so you can learn from the past. As we look back five, ten or twenty plus years from now, what will we remember from our experiences of 2020? ...
Gender Ideology and Your Child
Parents strive to love their children and help them make decisions that will aid in them in becoming happy and healthy adults. Yet, today, the question looms, “What does that love look like?” Does it mean to condone, accept or even celebrate everything your child...
Protecting Religious Liberty at the United Nations and How You Can Help
Hello friends! I had a conversation with my daughter a few years ago. She was telling me that young people hear “the family is under attack,” or “religious freedom is under assault,” but it seems the conversation ends there. She wanted to understand the “how” and...
“Cuties: Teaching – or Titillating?”
There are days when I find myself walking into the kitchen while cleaning the house and without really thinking about it, I grab a handful of whatever snack is on the counter. A few minutes later I might again, unconsciously, grab another handful. As the day goes...
Finding the Truth in a World of Fiction
For centuries philosophers and theologians have debated the question of “what is truth.” We now live in a time where truth – and what constitutes reality – is not considered that important. A legitimate search for truth has been sidelined as feelings and individual...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
The False Promise of Cohabitation
By Ashlee Kendell Over the past 50 years, research has shown that the average increased risk for divorce, when related to premarital cohabitation, has not changed. We have 50 years of evidence indicating that cohabiting before marriage does not lead to longevity in...
Video Games: Healthy Pastime or Pathway to Addiction?
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Chelsea Jones In 1992, David* received his first video game system. His parents, like many others, were unaware of the potentially damaging...
What Happens if Abortion is Codified?
By Chelsea Jones No one expects secondary infertility, and yet, I am in the 10% who experience it. We (my husband and I) got pregnant with our first child in the first month we tried. This was not the case when we tried to get pregnant the second time. We endured...
How Redefining Marriage Has Undermined the Rights and Wellbeing of Children
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. By Katy Faust for United Families International A landmark custody dispute between same-sex “parents” is back in the news. In 2000, Lisa Miller and Janet...
The Contempt at the Heart of “Family Planning” Policies
Contributed by Tori Black On the day before the 2021 March for Life, the annual event that marks the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, President Biden signed a memorandum reversing four years of pro-life actions by former...
Perpetuating Disunity: The Executive Order on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Tori Black After an inauguration speech calling for unity, President Joe Biden entered the oval office and proceeded to sign a raft of executive...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality