Updates, Blogs AND ANSWERS
UFI Issue Updates
Standing Up to UN Overreach at the Commission on the Status of Women
Each year, prior to the beginning of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), UFI is engaged in training and preparing college students and other adults to engage in this two-week-long annual event centered on women's rights. Part of the UFI team follows the...
Equality and Fairness: Re-establishing the Common Good Through the Principle of Compromise
The Equality Act, once again, looms large in the political and cultural debates - threatening religious freedom, women's rights and our way of understanding marriage, family and humanity as it relates to discrimination in the public square. To some, the Fairness for...
Video Games: Healthy Pastime or Pathway to Addiction?
This past year brought changes into our lives that we never anticipated. Many parents are now feeling overloaded and short on time as they need to spend more time taking care of their family and overseeing their children’s education. On the other hand, some adults...
How Redefining Marriage Has Undermined the Rights and Wellbeing of Children
A landmark custody case has resurfaced as Lisa Miller has returned to the United States and turned herself in to face charges for kidnapping. Her daughter, Isabella, who is now 18 remains in Nicaragua. Even years later there is controversy about who is the victim in...
The Contempt at the Heart of “Family Planning” Policies
Mildred Fay Jefferson was the first black women to graduate from Harvard Medical school. Not only did she graduate, she had 28 honorary degrees. She said, “I became a physician in order to help save lives… I am not willing to stand aside and allow the concept of...
Perpetuating Disunity: The Executive Order on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
Though on the outside President Biden’s Executive Order on “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation” may sound fair and reasonable, it’s the brutal reality of how it uniquely harms women and girls where we need to...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
Demographic Decline – What’s Causing It, and How We Can Reverse It
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Wendy Wixom The following article is based on remarks presented by United Families International President, Wendy Wixom, at an online and...
The Importance of Language in Defending Women’s Sports
By United Families International United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. On May 22, 2022, USA Today published an op-ed by former Connecticut high school runner Chelsea Mitchell. Mitchell is one...
Keeping Our Children Safe from Harmful Agendas
By Brittney Burgoyne The assignment seemed innocent enough. A certification to help teach kids technology safety was a no-brainer. How else would students learn to cautiously navigate the dangers of the internet? Jane, (name has been changed) a 6th grader in Utah, got...
Putting an End to Critical Race Theory – We Need Your Help!
By United Families International United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Tori Black Imagine with me the following conversation: What did you do in school today, Johnny? Oh, well, in...
Gender Identity Ideology – The Political Religion Distorting the Meaning of Sex and Gender
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Tori Black It is no secret that the United Nations Human Rights Council has taken the lead in promoting policies and principles which are...
Gender Neutral Parenting?
By Chelsea Jones As a mom of three girls and one boy, seeing my son play with dolls and all things pink is no surprise. He’s outnumbered, so he’s frequently seen dragging a baby doll around in one hand and throwing a ball in the other. The children have a mix of...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality