Updates, Blogs AND ANSWERS
UFI Issue Updates
Equality Act Survey
United Families International is pleased to announce our sponsorship and release of a new national survey! The findings are revealing and encouraging to those who value the right of women and girls to privacy, safety and opportunity. The survey also shows that...
The Importance of Language in Defending Women’s Sports
There is increasing pressure, today, to succumb to and even celebrate certain narratives and behaviors. When beliefs are in conflict, people are often shamed through name-calling. As parents and adults, it is our responsibility to teach children how to respond to...
Hungary’s efforts to support the Family includes you!
An invitation to support the family and Hungary at the "Demography and the Culture of Relationship Between Couples" Conference. Dear United Families International Supporters, We would like to invite you to participate in a free virtual conference being held in...
Making the Right Choice
Making decisions can be hard – often really hard. It seems those “really hard” decisions, for the most part, are easier to make when we are making them for someone else. Sometimes, being in the middle of difficult decision-making moments or determining how to face...
Putting an End to Critical Race Theory – We Need Your Help!
It’s becoming more and more common to hear things that sound good, yet after taking a deeper look into the words, message, or policy, you realize it’s not what it first seems. The new rule, proposed in mid-April by the Biden administration to address racism, certainly...
Gender Identity Ideology – The Political Religion Distorting the Meaning of Sex and Gender
This alert makes the adage “Politics makes strange bedfellows” very relevant. United Families International has found common cause with the self-described radical feminist group Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF). We share WoLF’s concern regarding the effort of the UN...
UFI Blog
Learn about family issues from a wide variety of contributors.
UN Secretary-General Claims Abortion Promotes Women’s Rights
By Madison Jenkins Women are strong, smart, and capable of preventing pregnancy or taking responsibility for the consequences of sexual activity, to assume otherwise, is demeaning and anything but promoting equality. If they...
Adoption vs. Abortion: Real Lives, Real Stories
By Jessica D'Addabbo Note: Names have been changed to protect the identity of individuals. My life has been directly impacted by the choice a woman made long ago to give birth to her child and place it up for adoption. This adopted child is my mother-in-law. Because...
Who Needs a Marriage License Anyway?
By Karin Waters Is a marriage license really necessary? People generally want to be happy, and when we see adult couples living together, they do seem happy. And if there are kids, they’re bound to be happy too, right? Think again. A report from the Centers for...
Arming Your Children and Homes Against Pornography
By Sarah Fairbanks When my son was about 8 years old, he quietly knocked on the door of our bedroom one night. We invited him in, and I could sense his unease. “Mommy, I think I did something bad.” The tears began to flow as we scooped him up and inquired over his...
The Real Cost of Abortion
By Katie Austin One of the most exciting and nerve-wracking experiences is when a woman finds out she will soon be a mother. Will the child be a boy or a girl? What will we call him, or her? What happens from here on out? Such were the thoughts running through the...
The Precarious State of Parental Rights
United Families International: Dedicated to informing you about the issues and forces impacting the family. Contributed by Cristina Cevallos Calle In August 2013, 33 police officers and seven youth welfare officers forcibly entered the home of Dirk and Petra’s...
Learn About Family Issues
Our mission is to strengthen and defend the family, with focus in the following areas:
Human Sexuality