October 14, 2008
$300 Million In Government Grants Supplies Abortions!
Carol.JPGDear ~Contact.FirstName~,
Dear Friend of the Family,
Thirty years ago, United Families International was organized. Today one of its main purposes is that of fighting the negative, anti-family movement at the United Nations. We have succeeded, for the time being, in holding off the pervasive activity of well-funded, well-organized groups whose main goal is to “work towards a world where women, men and young people everywhere have control over their own bodies, and therefore their destinies”.
This quote, taken directly from the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s (IPPF) most recent financial statement shows just how dedicated our enemies are to sexual and reproductive rights for all. Translated, this means a right to abortion, same-sex marriage, and sexual and gender equality.
Over the years UFI has added other important programs to our mission. However, no work we do is more important than our international policy at the UN. The reason is simple, while our state chapters are securing a future for the family at home, anti-family policies are being forced on states and nations through treaties and documents negotiated by non-elected individuals and organizations who have not been successful on the national or local levels.
We have always recognized how quickly and easily national rights at home can diminish by what happens in the halls of the United Nations. And, the main reason is money, power and the influence that organizations like IPPF have on the process.
IPPF is a self-described “global service provider and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive rights for all…a world wide movement of national organizations working with and for communities and individuals.” IPPF works in 180 countries around the world through its 152 member associations.
IPPF was incorporated in 1977 under a UK Act of Parliament, which outlined purposes were for the “advancement of health or the saving of lives…and the advancement of human rights”.
Instead of advancing health and saving lives, IPPF has become the world’s leader of abortion services. IPPF saw revenues in excess of $120 million dollars and provided over 435,000 abortions last year alone.
Of the 152 member associations, Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is the largest providers of abortion services for IPPF. In the United States, the number of abortions performed dropped. However, PPFA provided over 289,000 abortions, an increase of 9% over the year before and roughly 25% of all abortions performed in the United States.
These statistics are alarming. But, even more alarming is the fact that taxpayer’s money by way of federal, state and local governments is making its way through IPPF member associations and IPPF coffers. Nearly one-third or $300 million of PPFA’s billion dollar budget comes from government grants, like the Title X Federal Family Planning Program.
IPPF Funding
Funding to IPPF comes through other government grants, corporations and individuals. Some of the notable contributions include:
– the countries of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Germany, and the UK.
– the organizations of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, European Commission, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities, the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS as well as the World Health Organization.
(Taken from the Guttmacher Institute, the official research arm of Planned Parenthood.)
– Induced abortions declined worldwide between 1995 and 2003, from nearly 46 million to approximately 42 million.
– About one in five pregnancies worldwide end in abortion.
– Most abortions occur in developing countries-35 million annually, compared with seven million in developed countries.
– PPFA is planning to open three new super-sized clinics in the United States this year. They will be located in Massachusetts, Illinois and Texas.
– African-American women are 4.8 times as likely as non-Hispanic white women to have an abortion.
It is the work of UFI and other pro-family organizations that are helping to reduce abortions and eliminate sex-selective abortion and infanticide. Protecting the family by respecting all life is a human right and is worth the fight.
What You Can Do
You can help stop the anti-family, anti-life movement at the UN by signing UFI’s Universal Right to Life and Recognition of the Family petition today. Over 2000 Have Signed!
If you are one of the thousands that have already signed, help by forwarding on this email to your family and friends and asking them to sign on, too.
UFI cannot continue our integral work at the UN without your help! Donate $50 or more today and receive the compelling video Demographic Winter!
Demographic Winter: The Decline of the Human Family seeks to reawaken society to the importance of the stable, intact family, and engender a discussion and greater focus in the media, in academia, in the halls of policy makers, in religious circles, in the committees of civil society and in households around the world. Our hope is that all of these circles will bring to bear on the problems facing the family the tremendous contributions each can uniquely make. In this way, we hope to avert the storm that is now most surely coming on.
Donate $30 and receive a membership to United Families
Donate $50 or even $100 to receive Demographic Winter as our gift to you
Donate $200 or even $500 to help save families and we will send you Demographic Winter and our publication Guide to Family Issues: Abortion to show our thanks!
Warmest Reguards,
Carol Soelberg
United Families International
Your World Family Connection
First Graders Taken on Field Trip to San Francisco City Hall For Homosexual “Wedding”
In the same week that the No on 8 campaign launched an ad that labeled as “lies” claims that same-sex “marriage” would be taught in schools to young children, a first grade class took a school-sponsored trip to a same-sex “wedding.” Eighteen first graders traveled to San Francisco City Hall last Friday for the wedding of their teacher and her lesbian partner, The San Francisco Chronicle reported. The school sponsored the trip for the students, ages 5 and 6, taking them away from their studies for the same-sex “wedding.” According to the Yes on 8 campaign, the public school field trip demonstrates that the California Supreme Court’s decision to legal same-sex “marriage” has real consequences.
Human Rights Office Sued for Refusing to Protect Former Homosexuals
Parents and Friends of Ex- Gays & Gays (PFOX) is suing the Washington DC Office of Human Rights for failing to protect former homosexuals under its sexual orientation anti-discrimination law. “The ex-gay community is the most bullied and maligned group in America, yet they are not protected by sexual orientation non-discrimination laws,” said Regina Griggs, PFOX executive director. The DC Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on “sexual preference,” “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” and “gender expression.” The Office of Human Rights maintains that homosexuals, bisexuals, transgenders, and cross-dressers qualify for protection under this Act, but ex-gays do not. PFOX’s lawsuit asks the DC Superior Court to direct the Office to include former homosexuals under the sexual orientation law. “Shouldn’t ex-gays enjoy the same legal protections that gays enjoy?” asked Griggs.
EU Declaration Tabled Demanding All Member States Recognize Same-sex “Marriage”
Homosexual activists within the European Parliament have this week tabled a declaration demanding that all member states recognise the same-sex “marriages” and civil partnerships of all other member states. The declaration was tabled today by British Liberal Democrat party Member of European Parliament (MEP) Sharon Bowles. It instructs, “Member States with existing same-sex partnership legislation to recognise the arrangements of other Member States that have also made provisions for same-sex partnerships,” and for “guidelines for such mutual recognition by Member States with existing same-sex partnership legislation.”
For additional news, please see UFI’s World News Digest