World Congress of Families V
A Success!!!
Dear ~Contact.FirstName~,
August 10th-12th United Families International participated in the fifth edition of World Congress of Families (WCF) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. WCF is a gathering of individuals and organizations from all over the world whose focus is the preservation of the natural family. Academics, researchers, religious leaders, business people, politicians, journalists and civilians from around the globe attended with the common goal of protecting, strengthening and defending the family.
The overall theme of the Congress was, “Family: More Than The Sum of Its Parts” with individual day themes of: Modern Families, Traditional Values; Families in Developing Countries; and Challenges and Hope for the Future. The Congress was a rich outpouring of the best practices, most intelligent truths, latest research and the most positive approaches to securing a safe future for families! Through the Congress pro-family leaders from around the world were able to gather together and unite as one strong voice for the family.
There was much controversy over WCF pro-family mission being brought to the typically anti-family county of the Netherlands. The team was welcomed with opposing news publications such as NIS News and Dutch News questioning the Dutch Family Minister Andre Rouvoet’s participation in the Congress as well as the need for a pro-family group’s opinions on family policies.
This negative press had the good result of increasing participation of families from all across the Netherlands, who were otherwise unaware of the Congress. United Families saw a strong support for the family in the Netherlands from Dutch people across the nation wanting to know how they could protect a future for the family in their land.
At the Congress United Families gathered signatures from 20% of WCFV participants for our U.N. Petition to Protect Life. This petition, which has been in circulation since last fall, has now gathered well over half a million signatures – click here to sign today! United Families gathered valuable ideas for protecting a future for the family as well as opportunities for expanding our chapter work to countries that desperately need a voice for the family.
During the conference board member Lauralee Christensen was able to share about the importance on intergenerational solidarity within families. Later at the conference, Susan Roylance who wrote UFI’s acclaimed UN Negotiating Guide, presented an in depth workshop on understanding the UN documents and how to use the Guide (click here to view the presentation).
Many powerful speeches were given at WCFV. Perhaps one of the most alarming speeches given was presented by Austin Ruse president of C-Fam. Austin, who has worked with United Families International for years at the UN protecting the family, spoke about the influence of the UN on the family. His speech address why we must be very concerned about what is occurring at the UN and how the policies set in place there affect families around the globe. He warned that those countries of the world who have signed onto the Commission of the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Commission on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) have lost much of their national sovereignty as they are now being forced to comply with regulations not spelled out in the treaties.
It was most gratifying to learn from, be inspired by, and network with these great world leaders in family solidarity. Over and over again the truth that democracy disappears when the family disintegrates was emphasized. United Families International bases its efforts on the realization that the strength of our nations is directly related to the strength of our families. We will continue to do all we can to strengthen, preserve and protect the future for families. We thank you and invite your continued participation in this great effort.
It is only through the generosity of our financial supporters – you – that this is made possible. Each of our projects is aimed at strengthening families. Without you, we are powerless to engage in any of our efforts. United Families wishes to sincerely thank all who contributed to this Congress’ success.
The family needs protecting and as we saw at WCFV there is A LOT to do! Click here to donate $25, $50, $100, $250, or EVEN $500to helping protect the family today!
(You can also donate by check, PayPal, or even by booking your travel at – click here for more info!)
Thank You,
United Families International