From the Desk of Laura Bunker:
Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan once said, “With regard to the freedom of the individual for choice with regard to abortion, there’s one individual who’s not being considered at all. That’s the one who is being aborted. And I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.”
In today’s alert, Muriel Addams reminds us that the preborn infant is a separate, living individual, and fathers are just as responsible for abortions as mothers. In fact, the majority of abortions are paid for by men.
We also welcome an article from two young-adult family advocates. We are honored to work with such fine young people and commend their article to you.
UFI will continue to stand firm for the protection of Life from conception to natural death, and we are so grateful for your support.
Warm Regards,
Laura Bunker
President, United Families International
To the Fathers
By Muriel Addams
Recent media reports uncovered a disturbing story: In the United Kingdom, the bodies of more than 15,000 aborted preborn infants were incinerated without the parents’ knowledge, with some even being used as fodder to heat hospitals. The bodies of these preborn were being used to in “waste to energy” plants that generate power to provide heat for the buildings.
Another report revealed a very different story: In New York, a mother diagnosed with cancer after learning of her pregnancy died to give her child life. She refused treatment in order to allow her child to grow and ultimately save the child’s life.
So what’s the difference? What makes one preborn infant “waste” while another preborn infant is worth dying for? There is no difference in the preborns themselves.
We can’t even say that the difference is whether one preborn is alive or not. The issue of living vs. not living has been fought, and won, by Pro-lifers…and science. Mold is alive. A woman’s egg is living. A man’s sperm is alive. How then is it possible that two living cells come together to create something that grows on its own, multiplies on its own and yet is not living? It’s impossible. From conception, the preborn is alive.
Let’s look at the issue of life another way. A person is declared dead, not when they stop breathing and not when they cease feeling pain. A person is declared dead when the heartbeat and brain activity cease. If life ends with loss of brain activity and heartbeat, when doesn’t life begin, legally, with heartbeat and brain activity?
The answer is, because there would be no abortion industry if we legally classified life as beginning when life actually, scientifically, begins. If you’re not sure abortion is an industry, think again.
Instead we give the question of what is living and what is not living to the opinion of the mother….and her boyfriend or husband.
Many religious individuals view homosexual sex as a most egregious sin; however, I would argue that unmarried heterosexual sex is worse. It is unmarried heterosexual sex that keeps abortion a serious industry throughout the world. It is unmarried heterosexual sex that creates the life of another and contemplates taking that life. It is unmarried heterosexual sex that pressures women into an abortion clinic.
Let’s face it, most women don’t get abortions for life threatening conditions. They get them to preserve, not life,but life-plans.
So men, I pose a question to you: Are your children merely fodder to you?
If not, here are some tips to prevent abortion:
1) Don’t have sex with a woman who is not your wife. Why would you want to make a woman the mother of your child without giving her the commitment of marriage?
2) Don’t have sex with a woman who would consider having an abortion. Don’t have sex with a woman if you don’t know if she’d consider an abortion.
3) Never pressure, manipulate or coerce a woman into having an abortion. If you do, you are not a man at all.
4) Treat a woman with respect and kindness. Be gentle. Create a loving, safe environment for her to feel comfortable raising your child.
5) Remember that if you have sex with a woman who is not your wife and she chooses to have an abortion, you are not innocent.
Men, rise up and be men.
You, too, are responsible for your preborn children.
Muriel Addams is a mother of seven children, a lawyer, and an author of children’s books. In her spare time, Melissa volunteers extensively educating the community on issues related to child abuse and neglect.
You Never Existed…Or Did You?
By Alicia Alley & Erica Argüello
Going through with abortion portrays selfishness and ends a child’s opportunity to live and be loved. Abortion is never something that brings feelings of accomplishment or joy, yet taking part in an abortion often brings feelings of despair, shame, and regret. Justifying an abortion will only bring a false sense of relief, when in reality a life was just ended because of a selfish belief in erasing something…only this wasn’t something, it was someone. Read more …