September 27, 2012
Don’t Leave Us to Fight Alone
A pre-born life saved…
A marriage strengthened…
A child’s future safeguarded….
These are the objectives of UFI as we donate untold hours of volunteer effort to educate, advocate and unite the pro-family voice around the world. We know that not only your happiness but civilization itself depends on the success of the family! While many see little connection between the breakdown of the family and the destruction of economic systems and society, history is replete with evidence that only strong successful families create strong successful civilizations.
Joseph Daniel UnWin, a well-known anthropologist of the early 1900’s set out, like many of today, to prove that marriage as the foundation of the family was irrelevant to the success of society. He studied the decline of 87 different cultures throughout the history of the world and was forced to conclude that “Once a society departs from a social form of absolute marital monogamy, social chaos ensures within three generations.” Only a society whose foundation rests on marriage with complete fidelity can produce cultural prosperity.
What each of us does to promote the family is critically important! What are you doing to help?
In reading a recent survey done in USA regarding gift giving, I was pleased to discover (again) that it is the value based, family and religiously-oriented community that give the most in charitable donations. “That’s us!” I thought. That describes you, our support system! I immediately felt an overwhelming appreciation for those of you who have quietly and consistently contributed to our efforts to protect the family. Your generosity has allowed us to see much success in preserving the family. And we are very excited about the objectives we are currently pursuing!
* United Nations: United Families International has had and will continue to have individuals and team members at every major UN conference where we work to develop contacts and ensure that the language in binding UN documents reflects the family as the basic unit of society.
* International Influence: We’ve provided support to international delegations as policy in their own countries, as well as at the UN, have been developed.
* National Involvement: Our United Families Chapters have impacted policy and influenced and educated legislators in several U.S. states.
* Educational Influence: UFI executive team members were presenters at educational conferences and speaking engagements around the U.S. and internationally.
* Educational Updates: We continue to post informative articles to our blog and send to you alerts and updates that give you the ability to understand and share a pro-family message and help put in place pro-family legislation and policy.
* World Family News: Daily, we comb through all the news outlets and provided to you the most important stories to keep you abreast of the pro-family world and news. Visit
*World Family Forum: UFI team and family science professionals are currently building a family strengthening website that will provide valuable information and resources on family topics such as marriage, parenting, addictions, finance, communication, etc. The release of the website, World Family Forum, is scheduled to be launched early 2013.
*IVY: UFI’s youth program, International Voice for Youth (IVY), has initiated a pilot program with select universities to provide opportunities for advocacy. These students have participated in the UN Commission on the Status of Women and attended workshops at State Capitols with government leaders, and experienced pro-family advocates. Our IVY efforts also include creating a website with resources and online advocacy training to be used at High Schools and Universities.
*Stay Alive: As you may recall, years ago UFI founded an educational aids prevention program called Stay Alive. It continues to reach millions of African children teaching them consequential thinking skills that help them succeed in the fight against AIDS. Recently UFI contributed funds to the Stay Alive AIDS prevention program to help update the website so that the program can continue to grow and impact children in Africa to have strong, healthy families. In 2013, UFI would like to contribute $10,000 to the Stay Alive program, which is an effective AIDS prevention program in Africa so that children in all the African nations receive this life-saving, family strengthening program.
It has been long time since UFI has officially asked for your financial help. And it isn’t because we haven’t felt a financial crunch! We simply recognize the issues that have contributed to a decrease in charitable donations over the past few years. Money IS stretched tight with a worldwide failing economy; contributions to critical political campaigns ARE imperative; and an increased frustration that the cultural war may never be won is discouraging! But we cannot give up! Our families are at stake and we know as long as we continue to fight we will prevail. However, we can no longer lead the charge through our programs and educational efforts without your financial help.
Little else matters if we are not able to continue to strengthen and protect the family. Our families – the families in our communities, in our society and in our nation – will have a much greater impact in the world than any other campaign we can contribute to. We must uphold our most basic unit if we are to uphold our basic liberties and we can’t do it without your help. We will be deeply grateful for any amount you can contribute.
Please help us fight for the family by donating today!
Carol Soelberg
President, United Families International