It’s a dark world and we often struggle with bringing you information that we know is going to be hard for you to read. Today’s Issue Update is definitely one of those times. As we all watch the rapid disintegration of the remaining cultural and social prohibitions surrounding sexual behavior, I am often asked: “What next?! Where is all of this heading?” Unfortunately, I have to reply: “It’s not stopping, that’s for sure, and the next ‘frontier’ for the sexual left and its activists is pedophilia.”
Cristina Cevellos provides a succinct look at how pedophilia is being normalized around the world. It’s ugly stuff, but it’s better to understand what we are facing, do our best to stop this progression, and prepare our families to protect themselves.
In defense of family,
Wendy Wixom, President
United Families International
The Pedophile Pride Movement
by Cristina Cevellos
Were you aware that the Pedophile Pride Movement has its own flag and celebrates the International Pedophile Pride Day – known as Alice Day – every April 25th? Did you know that words like “inter-generational sex”, “cross-generation sex” and “minor-attracted person” (MAP) refer to pedophilia? If you didn’t, I recommend you keep reading.
Normalization of pedophilia
The “destigmatization” of sexual relations between adults and minors is being promoted on several fronts. In The United States, the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), shares the goal “to end oppression of men and boys relationships” by “educating the general public on the benevolent nature of it, cooperating with lesbian, gay, feminist, and other liberation movements and supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression”. They also held a prisoner program that seeks to provide support to incarcerated pedophiles through letters (which are sometimes rejected by prisons as they contain offensive pictures).
In the same line, a non-profit called B4U-ACT helps pedophiles “to deal with society’s response to their sexual feelings”. They oppose treatments to change their sexual inclination and imply that therapists should not report suspicions of illegal sexual behavior as some realize that many pedophiles “are not able to refrain from sexual activity with minors”.
On the internet, one can find from websites that let people know where the age of consent is low (so pedophiles can travel to those countries and have free reign), to TED-x videos in which speakers assure that this is “just another sexual preference” and we should help these people by accepting their attractions for them not to feel abnormal.
LGBTQ and feminist groups are also pushing this thinking forward, as it goes back to the promoters of the sexual revolution. In 1977 a petition was addressed to the French Parliament asking for the repeal of the law on the decriminalization of all consensual relations between adults and minors. It was signed by Michel Foucault, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Gabriel Matzneff, among others, on the eve of the trial of three Frenchmen, accused of having sexual relations with girls and boys aged 13 and 14.
An international agenda
International organizations seem to be allies in this goal. The WHO, for example, said that countries should guarantee adolescents’ rights by providing sexual and reproductive health services without parental consent. Similarly, UNICEF published a document in 2016 titled “Legal Minimum Ages and the Realization of Adolescents Rights” which calls for states to allow children to consent to certain medical treatments and interventions without parent’s permission.
As well, a report known as the 8 March Principles, that was launched at a side event to the 52nd Session of the UN Human Rights Council, implicitly calls for the decriminalization of sex between adults and minors. Although declarations from UN representatives were made after the eruption of media furor over the document, the wording of the document remained the same. According to international lecturer and human dignity expert Wesley J. Smith, this report stated that adults should not be prosecuted if a minor is deemed sufficiently mature to have said yes to the sexual act. It is worth noting that this approach is being pushed to grant “mature minors” access to medical treatments without parental consent.
Peter Newell is the principal author of the UN’s Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a document that erodes parental rights and promotes sexual rights in minors. In 2018, Newell was sentenced to over six years in jail because he reportedly raped a boy over the course of three years beginning when the boy was 13. Pedophile Information Exchange’s member, Steven Adrian lamented the situation noting that “a responsible, caring pedophile always refers to the wishes of the child”, “people who have sex with children are not real criminals,” and that “children must be freed from the sexual shackles society places upon them”.
For its part, the International Planned Parenthood Federation’s 2011 sexual rights declaration for youth remarks that sexuality and sexual pleasure are important parts of being human for everyone -no matter what age- and that governments and leaders have a duty to respect, protect and fulfill all sexual rights for everyone.
Children’s rights movement
The latter groups insist that children must be “liberated” from parents, laws, and social norms that restrict their sexual activity. Pedophiles have learned to frame the issue in terms of children’ s rights, as if lots of kids are longing to have sex with creepy older people.
Just listen to statements like those from NAMBLA “we support the rights of youth as well as adults to choose the partners with whom they wish to share and enjoy their bodies” or feminists like Kate Millet “one of children’s essential rights is to express themselves sexually, probably primarily with each other but with adults as well“.
One of the main goals of this movement is to lower the age of sexual consent. There is wide variation between countries but, in general, it is an offence -that can result in prosecution for rape- for a person aged 18 or over to have sexual activity with a minor.
The legal right protected by the laws of consent is sexual indemnity i.e. the right of minors, as subjects of special protection, not to suffer interference in their own sexuality. In other words, they safeguard the normal development of the sexuality of minors, who have not yet reached a sufficient degree of maturity to determine themselves sexually in a free and spontaneous manner.
The legal system treats minors differently from adults because a child’s capacity for discernment and choice is different. Consent is indistinct because they are not psychologically competent to make important decisions relating to risk-taking. Therefore, young people are not physically mature enough to engage in full sexual activity, as they lack both the life experience and cognitive development required to make healthy decisions about sex. That is why they should avoid engaging in activities whose consequences they are not yet ready for. In short, children cannot, with full and rational understanding, consent to sex.
Removing or lowering the age of consent would result in more younger children becoming inappropriately engaged in sexual activity and it would make it easier to provide sexual education and medical services to people of this age, without parents’ knowledge. Likewise, having on mind that there is also an effort to start calling prostitution “sex work”, engaging children in it would be legal, as long as they consent.
Isn’t it contradictory to oppose underage marriages and pregnancies but promote them having sex and provide contraceptive pills and abortions at the same time? This is yet another demonstration of the incoherence of progressivism.
What can we do?
First, we must oppose all efforts to lower the age of sexual and medical consent laws. Take a strong stance in the defense of parental rights and we can do that in our communities, especially at our children’s schools. We have no choice but to teach our children about the signs of being groomed, avoiding the pitfalls of pornography and how to protect themselves against sex trafficking, and rape. Lastly, we must avoid falling into the trap of our culture and society’s manipulation of language with the use of euphemisms for behaviors that are illegal, morally unacceptable, and profoundly damaging. This can be a dark and challenging world, but with knowledge and appropriate action, we can navigate it successfully.
Cristina Cevallos is a Peruvian Law professional. She is passionate about issues related to cultural heritage and the defense of traditional values, especially the sanctity of life and religious freedom. She has been part of different volunteer and entrepreneurship programs internationally and loves doing projects with children, going to the beach, and learning about art history. Her goal is to travel the world helping people to find true happiness.