Hello Friends:
United Families International is the proud sponsor of Stay Alive, the highly successful HIV/AIDs prevention program. Today, we wanted to bring you an update on this outstanding program.
Since 2001, the Stay Alive Program has been taught in nine different African countries to over a million and a half African children and their families. Within Kenya alone, over 350,000 children and their families have been taught using the program within schools, community organizations, religious organizations and individual families.
Stay Alive is a program that combines sound public policy with on-the-ground help being given to children and families. UFI is involved and committed to the delivery of Stay Alive to the children of the world and we hope you will want to help too.
Mike Duff
President, United Families International
The Stay Alive, HIV/ AIDS prevention program works and is saving children’s lives!
Every day African children and youth, many orphans, are faced with numerous pressures to become involved in dangerous behaviors, including sexual involvement and prostitution. Did you know that more than 2,102,400 more children become orphans every year in Africa alone, and in 2010 there is an estimated 20 million AIDS orphans? That means that every 15 seconds a child in Africa becomes an AIDS orphan.
The Stay Alive program is bringing hope to these African children! Students learn through the Stay Alive curriculum that they can positively affect their lives by making choices that lead to positive and beneficial consequences. Stay Alive lessons empower the child. Empowerment, in turn, brings hope!
The program works! A clinical study by *Panos, Panos, and Cox (2010) reports that in its initial evaluation the Stay Alive program demonstrated a 67% reduction in pregnancy rates among African students who participated in the program, with an 87% rate of reduction, in some schools sampled.
Other indicators also demonstrate that the Stay Alive students are implementing the lessons being taught, which saves their lives and prepares them to raise a happy, healthy family of their own. The children know that they are capable of living the Stay Alive motto – “I will live a long, loving, life.”
Children of the world need this program! That is why United Families International has been actively supporting the Stay Alive program in Africa, where the needs are great.
One such life affected by the Stay Alive program is Linet. She and her siblings lost their mother to AIDS and were raised in an abusive foster home following her death. The Stay Alive Program changed the lives of Linet and her siblings by giving them hope for a better future. In addition, their guardian was so moved by the teachings that abuse in the home ceased. Linet and her siblings now have hope that they too can live a long loving life. Linet wrote in her Stay Alive journal, “The Stay Alive Program has taught me how to help others, love and care for others, and how to keep my body free from HIV /AIDS.”
The holiday season is a joyous occasion and a time to reflect on all for which we are thankful. The international economic downturn has candidly reminded us once again of our most basic blessings – in particular, the blessing of being a member of a family. Sadly, these are gifts that these children, such as Linet, do not have. The Stay Alive program provides the hope that one day they can have a happy, healthy family of their own.
Non-profits, including United Families International, have been negatively impacted by the current economic climate, which in turn, affects the forgotten children that need our help the most. That is why we are asking you and your family to donate to this clinically proven program this holiday season and provide hope to a child – a child like Linet. Any size donation can save a life and provide a strong foundation for a child to live a long, loving, life!
Saving a child – saves a family, a community, and a nation
The Stay Alive website is currently under reconstruction, but will be available soon. A brief description of the program, along with a link to make donations can be found atwww.unitedfamilies.org. Press the Stay Alive logo on the home page to view a video link about the program, and donations can be made by clicking on ‘Donate Now’. Thank you!!
*Journal of Global Social Work Practice” (Nov. 2009)
*Wendy Sheffield LCSW is a the author of the Stay Alive curriculum; Reach the Children is the implementing organization