We Exist Because of Your Generosity!
As the history books close the pages on 2013, we see that the coming year is stacking up as one of the most critical years in defense the family in our lifetime. Numerous issues are surfacing constantly – – almost to the point of wondering what could happen next. One need only scan the news today to get a clear idea of the challenges that lie before us in 2014:
1. California Gov. Brown recently signed legislation permitting transgender bathrooms in public schools. Opponents to this law delivered over 620,000 signatures challenging this initiative and are seeking to put this matter on the November 2014 ballot for the public to decide its fate.
2. Further east, proponents of gay marriage have been fighting the amendment to the Utah Constitution preserving marriage between a man and a woman. Hearings on this legal challenge took place earlier this month and observers are concerned about protecting that important amendment. A ruling will come out in January, which could eventually be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
3. Additionally in Utah, legislation is expected to be proposed at the state level that would establish a statewide LGBT nondiscrimination law– laws that have proven to establish special rights to some at the expense of others, and be the precursor to the legal recognition of same sex marriage.
4. Similar nondiscrimination and public accommodation ordinances are showing up in city council meetings throughout the country as confused city council members debate an ordinance they rarely understand.
5. And at the United Nations level, radical activists continue to promote policies that undermine the foundation of society, the family, while promoting wholesale abortion-rights, ultra-liberal sexual and reproductive rights and population control.
United Families International has been involved in each of these challenges through lobbying, partnering with other pro-family organizations, and vigorously promoting a pro-family agenda. You may not know, but United Families, with the exception of a part-time bookkeeper, is an all volunteer organization. Everyone who is a part of UFI is engaged because they understand the importance of family and feel compelled to actively defend it. Virtually one hundred percent of the funds that you entrust to us allows UFI to continue to engage directly in these and other similar challenges.
With the new year dawning upon us, would you please take a moment and reflect upon what our involvement for the family means to you. And then will you generously share of your means in order to see that our mission continues?
Please help us protect the family in 2014. $20.14 is all we are asking from you who support the crucial work of United Families International!
For most that amounts to one date out as husband and wife. But for us it’s the difference between having little ammunition with which to fight these battles — or being able to be proactive and ahead of these issues.
It’s my privilege to be entrusted with the role of chairman of the board of UFI. I accepted this position back in October seeing the coming storm in front of us — but also knowing that we cannot stay neutral in the cause to preserve and protect the family. I took the position also knowing there are hundreds of thousands and even millions throughout the world who are committed to this cause and believe in it with all their might.
I heard it once said, “Wind will blow out a candle – but it feeds a fire.” There are significant winds that will be encountered next year, and your help right now will allow us to continue to feed the fire of happy and effective families and marriages.
Please give $20.14 to help us protect families in 2014 and do it today!
Merry Christmas from our UFI family to yours!
Bob Spiel
Chairman of the Board
United Families International