Thirty Years Later, the “Gender” War Continues as Six Thousand Feminists Converge on New York
Beginning on Monday, March 10, over 6,000 feminists, many of them self-described “radical feminists,” will descend upon the UN complex in New York to attend the annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). And, UFI will be there! We’ve been able to facilitate and train 23 students and eight professors from two universities who will be bringing the students to join our efforts.
All in, UFI has registered 56 individuals to attend CSW. That’s a big group and an opportunity to speak boldly in support of pro-family and pro-life positions to offset the presence of radical feminists from all around the world!
30 Years Later, the “Gender” War Continues
“Hope springs eternal,” as they say, that someday the battle over the meaning of the word “gender” will end and societies will return to agreement on the biological reality that there are only two sexes, male and female – not some version of the 58 “genders” offered on Facebook. Unfortunately, as United Families International prepares for next week’s annual feminist confab, the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) “gender” is once again front and center.
The CSW 2025 theme is a review of the historic UN documents generated in Beijing in 1995. “Beijing +30,” as it’s called, begins on Monday, March 10 and runs through Friday, March 21, 2025, in New York. UFI anticipated that this year’s CSW outcome document would be a simple, and relatively uncontroversial, Political Declaration. Thus far, that has not been the case. The Zero Draft of the supposed “Political Declaration,” and the various negotiated revised drafts that have followed, have been filled with controversial terms.
For example, the most recent draft of the CSW Political Declaration contains 49 uses of the word “gender” with no reference to the original Beijing document (1995) where, after weeks and weeks of negotiations, a qualifier on “gender” was added to Annex IV stating, “there was no indication that any new meaning or connotation of the terms, different from accepted prior usage.” This language clarification is critical to keep “gender ideology” at bay, yet the term “gender,” thus far, remains undefined in the draft currently being negotiated.
No matter the topic being discussed at the UN, you will see, inserted into the negotiated drafts, variations of “sexual and reproductive health and rights” (abortion) and language formulations that are, in the end, a promotion of “sexual rights” and LGBT behavior. The goal of the opposition is to insert as much ambiguous language as possible and hope that delegates involved in the negotiations don’t recognize it or don’t feel they have enough power to stand against the developed world countries who are pressuring them. UFI and other pro-family/life coalition members are working, as we speak, to get the problematic language removed.
Many are watching to see if the Trump State Department diplomats will continue to speak out and force abortion, DEI, and gender ideology out of the negotiations. So, stay tuned!
What else is happening with the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 2025)?
This UFI team will be involved in multiple activities – many of them geared toward training the next generation of pro-family advocates. UFI has UN Mission visits planned (UFI’s record for one CSW is visits to 36 different UN member state missions), attending hundreds of different side and parallel events (got to keep track of what the opposition is up to!), monitoring UN negotiations and working to influence diplomats toward a pro-family perspective on issues, and giving formal presentations during the Conference on the State of Women & Family (CSWF). You can see the schedule for the two-day event here.
The Conference on the State of Women and Family is an effort chaired by United Families International and a steering committee comprised of dedicated pro-family advocates from the Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam), The Heritage Foundation, and Universal Peace Federation (UPF). The organizations providing the various events of each day will be bringing in exceptional and highly regarded speakers from many different disciplines. The intent of the CSWF is to amplify a voice that the radical feminists, including the official UN agency, UN Women, have tried to keep out of the Commission on the Status of Women.
UFI is sponsoring the students and their professors in presenting a CSWF parallel event. Their topic: “Empowering Women through Religiosity and Family Formation.” The event will include two great speakers and a student panel.
You can also follow UFI’s activities at CSW via our social media platforms of Instagram, Facebook, and “X.” [NOTE: I DON’T KNOW HOW, OR IF, THESE SOCIAL MEDIA PLATORMS CAN BE HYPERLINKED, BUT IF POSSIBLE, THEY SHOULD BE.] We’ve even planned a couple of social media contests. (We want to keep those feminists on their toes!)
We will continue our efforts to promote and defend the family, for now in New York City, and hope to make you proud!
Wendy Wixom, President
United Families International
P.S. All of these efforts require extra funding and if you can find it in your heart (and in your pocketbook) to offer some financial support, it would be well-used and much appreciated! You can donate here.