Preservation of National Sovereignty Protects Your Family
Much of my adult life has been spent studying issues and policies with the intent to contribute to positive outcomes for the institutions and ideals that I hold dear. Now, as President of United Families International (UFI), the ideals I promote are found in what we call our UFI “Five Respects.” As a supporter of UFI, you regularly read how we promote and protect respect for:
1. Family and Marriage
2. Sanctity of Life
3. Parental Rights
4. Religious Freedom
5. National Sovereignty
It was while studying the recently released Background Papers for the September 5-6 United Nations (UN) Secretary-General’s Retreat that I was surprised to find a documented threat to one of those respects, national sovereignty.
The UN leader’s retreat was held in a swank resort in the Austrian Alps. Not the kind of place most middle class families will ever see. The pomp and expense of the location for such an event would be an issue in a democratic election. But the central theme of the meetings was to create a specific blue print to put the UN bureaucracy in charge of the world’s agenda. Those of us with experience working at the UN have long warned that the UN’s unelected, global bureaucracy was advocating an agenda that conflicted with most nation’s laws, culture, and traditions. Now, it’s printed in black and white for all to see.
The UN leadership seems to be wrestling with how to deal with the issue of national sovereignty. The position papers made clear that sovereignty is viewed as a consistent hurdle to the ambitious, anti-family agenda of the UN bureaucrats and the global NGOs that benefit from UN programs. Their goal was clearly stated. “Global governance” was their term and naturally the UN must lead it. “The UN should be able to take the lead in setting the global agenda, engage effectively with other multinational and regional organizations as well as civil society and non-state stakeholders, and transform itself into a tool to help implement the globally agreed objectives.”
Please understand that the term “other multinational and regional organizations” means the European Union, the so-called non-aligned group of nations, and others that United Families International battles constantly in protecting the “Five Respects” listed above. “Civil society” and “non-state stakeholders” refers to anti-life, abortion advocates and provider groups such as International Planned Parenthood, Center for Reproductive Rights, The International Gay and Lesbian Association and other anti-family and same-sex rights advocates who see their work advanced by UN institutions and profit financially from the billions of dollars spent through UN programs.
For the UN to be successful, the report continues, “it will be necessary to deeply reflect on the substance of sovereignty, and to accept that changes in our perceptions are a good indication of the direction we are going.” UN leaders see the key to their success in multilateralism. “Multilateralism is instrumental to the success of our response to global challenges.” I have recently heard a good deal of discussion in policy circles of “trans-nationalism;” a synonym for “multilateralism.” According to Harold Koh, United States Department of State Legal Advisor, the term transnationalism means the establishment of “a new world order in which the United States is simply one nation among many, subject to a higher–if utterly unaccountable– authority.”
The above statement reveals a serious breach and break from the traditional understanding of sovereignty. The fact that the current U.S. administration appears to not value that basic tenet is a destructive blow to the interests of family, marriage, life, and parents. The United States has for decades led the support for sovereignty and for traditional institutions and values, but now they appear to be actively engaged in acceptance and promotion of the UN agenda. That leaves the national sovereignty of every nation at risk.
The loss of sovereignty endangers those policies, traditions, and values that people, like you, hold dear. It also multiplies the voices and financial resources aligned against a pro-life, pro-family position. Is it an over-reaction to say that turning over decision making to unelected, unaccountable international bodies will bring destructive elements closer to your family? I think not. Is it an over-reaction to say that loss of national sovereignty helps to advance the imposition of the anti-family/anti-life agenda on our society? No; it’s now occurring. Already precedent from internationally created law is being used as the basis for court decision in the U.S. Will such imposition make it harder for you to instill and practice the family values, traditions, and faith that you hope your children will benefit from? Undoubtedly! It is time for all who value family, marriage, life, parental rights, religious freedom, and sovereignty to stand up and take a more active role to support those values.
United Families International engages in the battle every day.
– UFI representative just last week attended UN meetings to monitor and offer pro-family language to thwart anti-family efforts and to actively oppose those who wish to export their values via the UN system.
– We have recently updated and distributed the UFI Negotiating Guide to aid our friends in the UN system as they negotiate crucial documents.
– We engage at the grassroots level through United Families State Chapters. We continue our work on getting important research and information into your hands and helping you educate those around you.
– We provide that critical information to you through our website, Family Issues Guides, our daily blog, and our UFI Weekly as well as using several forms of social media to get the information out.
This is a battle that none of us can afford to ignore and we need your help to continue our work. Your financial contributions, no matter how large or small, go a long way in thwarting the aggressive and heavily funded anti-family forces. We commit to continue to use your funds judiciously and work to place our efforts where they can have the most impact. Help us help you by donating today.
Michael Duff
President, United Families International