May 26, 2009
California Stands For Marriage!!! – Click HERE For More Info
“I do not believe that defending traditional marriage between one man and one woman excludes anybody or usurps anybody’s civil rights and denies anybody their civil rights.”
– Alan Autry,
Former mayor, actor and professional football player
Dear ~Contact.FirstName~,
One month ago, United Families International gave you a short update on the marriage battle as it was playing out across the United States. Today, as policy discussions come to an end before the break of summer, we have additional information to share regarding the targeted New England area of the United States, as well as Washington DC and California’s Prop 8.
Gay rights activists who aimed to legalize same-sex marriage throughout New England by 2012 are certainly building momentum. It appears that they will have passed laws legalizing same-sex marriage in at least 4 of the 6 New England states by the end of May. The win is a blatant attempt to “normalize” gay marriage one area of the United States at a time, but also to redefine marriage through the state legislative process instead of through the court system.
Before this year, the gay rights activists only saw success in the court room. Same-sex marriage in Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, and Iowa were legalized through their state courts, allowing proponents of marriage to point out that the will of the people was overturned by liberal courts involved with policy making. Unfortunately, last month Vermont became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage through legislative action.
Voters believe that when it comes to who should decide whether same-sex marriage should be legal, 43 percent of voters say their state legislature, and 25 percent say the courts should. Only 16 percent say neither should make the decision.
Changing the legal definition of marriage through the legislative process, as Vermont’s legislature did, by those elected to represent the people is remarkable and perhaps dangerous. Vermont is held up as the first and hopefully the last state where elected representatives of the people voted to dramatically change the social fabric of their state. Whether voters react negatively at the polls in the next election is yet to be seen.
Instead of addressing economic concerns, and against voter sentiment, the Maine Legislature debated and passed same-sex marriage legislation earlier this month. As soon as the bill passed and was transmitted to the Governor, it was immediately signed into law.
Bill Duncan, from the Marriage Law Foundation was on hand during legislative hearings where he gave compelling testimony – apparently it fell on deaf ears. To read Mr. Duncan’s testimony, click here.
Following in the footsteps of Vermont and Maine, New Hampshire is in the process of passing a gay marriage bill that seems to be in trouble.
Voters in New Hampshire were recently polled and 64% want marriage legally defined only as between a man and a woman. It appears that might be exactly what the voters in New Hampshire get. In an upset for gay rights activists, the state legislature last week defeated language that would have made New Hampshire the sixth state to legalize same sex marriage.
By only two votes (188-186), the House rejected an amendment to the same -sex marriage bill that contained religious exemptions demanded by Gov. John Lynch (D). The Senate passed the amendment, which now puts the same-sex “marriage” bill in limbo. The bill will need to be amended in Conference Committee to meet the demands of the Governor. If the amendment fails again, Governor Lynch may veto the bill, and same-sex marriage would not become legal in New Hampshire.
Depending on the action of Governor Lynch, if the bill is signed, New Hampshire will join neighbors Maine, Vermont, Connecticut and Massachusetts, all of which have legalized same-sex marriage – leaving Rhode Island as the only New England state that supports and protects family and children.
The Washington DC City Council persists in passing a local ordinance legalizing same-sex marriage. In a bi-partisan move, Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Rep. Dan Boren (D-Okla.) introduced the D.C. Defense of Marriage Act in the U.S. House last week designed to block the City Council’s push to legalize same-sex “marriage” in the nation’s capital. Local area pastors led by Bishop Harry Jackson are working with the Congressmen to fight to protect marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
After a stunning victory by Proposition 8 supporters last November, a number of lawsuits were filed opposing the enactment of Prop 8 – defining marriage between a man and a woman. Oral arguments were heard in March and today the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8’s ban on same-sex marriage. They also ruled that the 18,000 or so same-sex couples who wed before the election will continue to be married under state law.
With the ruling upholding same-sex marriages, gay rights activists will surely go to the ballot to ask voters repeal Prop 8 as early as next year. Supporters of marriage and of Prop 8 have pledged to fight any effort. Proposition 8 passed with 52% of the vote.
It is clear that those opposed to traditional marriage will stop at nothing to redefine an institution that is the foundation of our society. However, thanks to the hard work put in to pass Prop 8 and even harder work to keep the definition of marriage in place, Marriage is now protected in CA! Victories like this give us courage to continue fighting to protect marriage. This shows us that the battle is not lost in Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, and D.C.!
Our work must continue to be consistent and persistent. We must never rest or give up. The fight is too important. If protecting marriage is important to you, please consider making a $25, $50 or even $100 donation today to help us continue to stand for marriage!
United Families International
The Family Needs You!
Donate $25, $50, $100 Today!
Please donate $25, $50, $100 to protect marriage. We cannot do it without you. We are working hard to stand for marriage. Please show your support for this great work by donating $25, $50 or $100 now.