An invitation to support the family and Hungary at the “Demography and the Culture of Relationship Between Couples” Conference.
Dear United Families International Supporters,
We would like to invite you to participate in a free virtual conference being held in Hungary May 27-29, 2021, titled, “Demography and the Culture of Relationship Between Couples.” This event is being sponsored by the Family Science Alliance as well as the Ministry of Human Capacities and Leier Hungária Ltd.
The main objective of the conference is to highlight the demographic crisis that can only be resolved by eliminating the crisis in family life. We need strong and significant increase in the quality of the relationship culture by bringing full sexual relations back into marriage and also seriously facing other new fronts of the so called sexual revolution or nowadays called progressive ideologies.
We are honored to share that our President, Wendy Wixom, has been asked to speak on Friday, May 28th at 10:20am Eastern time. She will be discussing the “Why of Demographic Decline: Cost and Culture.” While we may not hear much about it and may think that the demographic crisis is only impacting other countries, the fertility rate in the United States is also in drastic decline.
Be sure to sign up ASAP as the conference begins daily at 9:00 a.m. Central European Central Summer Time (Hungarian time) beginning Thursday, May 27th. The details and speakers of the conference can be found here. You can register for the conference here.