From the Desk of Laura Bunker:
With the assault on marriage sweeping across the United States faster than we can keep up, marriage between a man and a woman needs our support more than ever. Our legal options may be limited, but we can help build a “marriage culture,” as the pro-life movement has done, to work towards restoring the real understanding of marriage.
There is no better place to begin than at home. If you knew a few important ideas that would strengthen your own marriage, could you remember them when you needed them? We may have something that could help.
United Families is excited to offer you a free Infographic on Healthy Marriages (below). An infographic is a visual tool that teaches through pictures, symbols, and short phrases. It makes the topic clear and memorable.
We appreciate UFI Intern Teresa Kearl, who created the “Healthy Marriages Infographic” to raise awareness of things that every couple can do to make their marriage better. Teresa also discusses these valuable principles in more depth in the article below.
Laura Bunker
United Families International, President
Have You Ever Considered Divorce – Even for a Second?
By Teresa Kearl
It isn’t uncommon to see a headline at the local grocery store magazine rack encouraging readers to question how satisfied they are in their marriage, or to watch a TV show that glamorizes one “finding themselves” only to quickly abandon a relationship that isn’t completely fulfilling. It is no wonder then that in today’s society there is a great deal of pressure to have an ‘ideal’ marriage where spouses perfectly connect emotionally, physically, and spiritually – which is unrealistic.
It is easy to understand then why marriage therapists often hear phrases from couples such as, “we are so opposite each other” and “we have difficulty communicating.” This is natural in marriage as men and women are very different from each other and have natural patterns of communicating, which for the most part, are gender specific.
Most couples follow a normal pattern of starting out with a happy season of bliss but over time the courtship fades and reality sets in when partners start questioning their satisfaction with the relationship and see quirks in their partner that they perhaps didn’t recognize before. This is when the “honeymoon phase’ is over and the mature relationship begins. Marriage therapist, John M. Gottman, spent decades focusing on research to predict what makes a marriage successful. READ MORE …
Teresa Kearl has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and has been researching and writing about successful family strategies for over ten years. She has been married for twenty-nine years and has a family of seven that has grown into a family of eighteen, with two more grandchildren soon arriving.