February 3, 2011
Dear Friend of the Family:
With state legislative sessions beginning or in process all over the United States and the UN “conference season” kicking into gear, it is indeed a very busy time for United Families International. We’re happy to report that your voices have already been heard and positive pro-life/pro-family legislative outcomes have already been occurring. So “thank you” and together we’ll keep engaging in this crucial effort to protect the family!
There are a couple of things that we want to make you aware of:
1. The Global Health Initiative
There are a couple of things on the horizon that we wanted to make you aware of. The first involves the U.S. government’s Global Health initiative (GHI). The GHI falls under the jurisdiction of the U.S. State Department and thus leadership falls to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton has made it clear that “reproductive health” is to be a top priority of the GHI and that her definition of reproductive health includes abortion.
Over the next few months, Secretary Clinton will join her long-time friends and associates at the UN and will use her considerable influence to push for abortion in as many nations as possible. United Families will be there working to stop Hillary and her pals.
By the way, if you thought that the Global Health Initiative was just about stopping the spread of malaria, HIV, and tuberculosis while providing better nutrition and clean water, take a look at who was just appointed to lead the Global Health Initiative: a woman by the name of Lois Quam. Ms. Quam and her husband, Matt Entenza, are widely regarded as some of the most radical pro-abortion activists in the state of Minnesota. Quam has worked with Hillary Clinton, in various capacities, for several decades.
The duo of Quam and Clinton (through the Global Health Initiative) have been awarded $63 billion of your tax dollars to go about their work. It will be the work of UFI and other pro-life/pro-family advocates to stop them from forcing their abortion agenda on the rest of the world. We’ll keep you updated as the UN meetings and negotiated documents move forward.
2. Do Fathers and Mothers Matter?
There are plenty of voices trying to tell you that they don’t – that any combination of loving and capable adults will work for children. There’s the gay parent lobby, the “I don’t need to be married to have a child” lobby, the “genders are interchangeable” lobby to name just a few. But the reality of human nature and children’s needs just keep creeping back into the dialogue to prove them wrong.
The Institute for American Values as had a dramatic impact on this discussion and its policy implications with their work regarding children conceived via sperm donation. Their report “My Daddy’s Name is Donor” has been instrumental in raising awareness and giving voice to every child’s desire to know and be reared by their mother and their father.
The Institute for American Values is sponsoring an outstanding project that we’d like to make you aware of it. Anonymousus.org was recently launched as “the first-ever online story collective for donor conceived persons and other involved in reproductive technologies.” The stories are haunting and sometimes heart-breaking as you hear of the yearning of these individuals to know both of their parents. Be sure to watch the video of Alana S., the founder of the project, as she explains its purpose.
United Families International continually speaks up and out to make people aware of the importance of marriage, parents and family. We enjoy sharing with you the fine work of other organizations. As you listen to and read the stories, we think you’ll see plenty of evidence that Mothers And Father do matter!