From the Desk of Laura Bunker:
Today’s gender issues can leave your head spinning. As you try to navigate media headlines, it may be helpful to know that science has documented that there are hardwired differences between men and women.
For example, researchers found that for men, most of the nerve connections in the brain travel between the front and the back of the brain, and for women, most of the connections go side to side across the two hemispheres of the brain. Other research shows that the actual brain tissue itself is “intrinsically different” in men and women.
In addition, boys’ and girls’ ear and eye structures are different from birth. Newborn baby girls hear music and voices differently, especially at higher frequencies, than newborn baby boys. Scientists have also learned that the male retina is “substantially thicker” than the female retina. This is because boys’ retinas contain more larger, thicker M-cells, which focus on movement and action. On the other hand, girls retinas contain more thinner P-cells which focus on colors and textures.
This was demonstrated in a classic study of 102newborn babies on the first day of life. A mobile was placed on one side of the crib, while a smiling young woman stood on the other side. Most of the newborn girls looked at the woman, while the boy babies looked at the dangling mobile. The girls were more interested in a human face, and the boys were more interested in the movement.
Understanding that men and women are hardwired differently–and are strikingly complementary–gives us some solid ground in the whirlwind of gender issues. We invite you to read today’s alert by UFI’s Ann Bailey, which also helps us unravel some of the gender issues that have recently exploded and gone viral.
Warm Regards,
Laura Bunker
President, United Families International
The Wrong Side of Biology
By Ann Bailey
“You’re on the wrong side of history” is the comment often directed at individuals who stand in opposition to the same-sex behavior, same-sex marriage, and the transgender-advocacy juggernaut that is trying to steamroll the country. But those who desire to create a genderless, “sexually-fluid” society have yet to face this reality: They are on the wrong side of biology.
Have we gone mad or are we just “genderally crazy?” A quick perusal of recent news stories does give one pause.
Now tax-payers will be required to pay for a man or a woman to surgically mutilate their body in their quest to achieve a sex or “gender identity” that doesn’t align with the body parts they were born with. (Translation: A man wants to become a woman or vice-verse.) In a day and age where military veterans are dying as they await much needed medical care and surgeries, it is particularly galling that taxpayers are being required to pay for someone to dramatically disfigure their body.
Following Health and Human Services’ “gender” logic, tax payers should also pay for the person who is bulimic or anorexic (both genuine mental health challenges) to have liposuction and other fat reduction surgeries. My guess is that you’re already thinking of other similar examples.
But what of the transgender patients themselves? What about their well-being; are we really helping them?
With the exception of a very rare few, people are born either male or female with the chromosomes and body parts to match, with the rare deviations being diagnosed and treated when a child is very young. But for those caught up in the “gender identity” revolution, modern medical technology might come close to approximating exterior genitalia, but it can never change the fact that every cell in that same body and brain knows that it came in to existence with either an XX or an XY chromosome designation. Good luck with changing that.
2. San Diego parents reveal story of transgender son who became boy at Age Five
This particular story had, and still has, people buzzing. Parents allowed their daughter, Ryland, to “change her gender,” at age five no less, and then allowed the child to be a pawn in a media frenzy of LGBT advocacy.
As one commentator notes:
“Because the parents chose to publicly splash Ryland’s NAME and FACE all over the public sphere, there is little chance that she will be able to function in anonymity or normality. She will forever be known as the “transgender child”. She will attract all the praise and negativity that comes with it.
This very public fact will make it even harder for Ryland to discover for herself who she really is without the public or her family pressuring her to be one way or the other.
Again I find this whole thing very sad. And I really think the parents should be ashamed of themselves, not for indulging her to be a boy, per say, but for exploiting her ordeal and using her to get their 15 minutes of fame.”
3. Ohio College Considering Mandatory Transgender Sensitivity Training For Athletics Department
Oberlin College’s Athletics Department is considering “mandatory transgender sensitivity training for all of its staff and coaches.” Makes you wonder how many transgender individuals they’re planning to recruit!
Seems the Transgender Participation Advisory Committee is recommending the college makes these changes as a “sort of 101” on gender. Here’s one of the committee’s recommendations:
“…replace ‘FTM’ (female-to-male and ‘MTF’ (male-to-female) with ‘a transgender student- hormone replacement therapy related to gender transition’.”
So what should have been a simple one word definition (male or female) now requires a 21-word definition. It must be mentioned, too, that Facebook now offers, in their profile section, a menu that includes 57 gender choices.
4. Transgendered Student to play on Women’s Softball Team
In California, a male high school student who now presents as a female is being allowed to play on a high school woman’s sports team – a trend that is picking up momentum around the country. Yet, the biological fact is that men have vastly different muscle mass, structure and weight that in physical activities give them an unfair advantage when competing against women. Most people would understand the innate unfairness of allowing men to play on women’s sports teams. But that seems to not matter to those who trying to social engineer society.
When this obvious inequity is pointed out, the rationalization and justification is “No problem. Many transgender individuals are placed on hormone blockers at or before puberty to prevent the physical manifestations of their biological sex.” Yes, you read that correctly. Their answer is to pump children full of hormones and hope for the best. No mention or acknowledgement is made of any of the physical side effects of immense quantities of hormones over a lifetime. As many experts have pointed out; this is child abuse.
5. Non-Discrimination Ordinances on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity/Expression
One of the seminal features of these highly controversial ordinances is the component that is often referred to as a “bathroom bill.” If a non-discrimination ordinance with a “public accommodation” clause is passed in your community, any male who claims to feel that they are a female can enter your wife or daughter’s dressing or shower area – and there is nothing that you can do to stop it. This is not conjecture; this is fact. You can read about these incidents here and here.
The fact is that this ordinances throw wide the door to not only transgender individuals, but also to any sexually predatory male who wishes to gain access to women’s dressing areas and bathrooms – prompting many to call rightly call these ordinances “Sexual Predator Protection Acts.”
Dr. Paul McHugh, former Chief of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Hospital, speaks clearly on the issue of transgenderism and sex-reassignment surgery in a recent article that he wrote for the Wall Street Journal.
“Policy makers and the media are doing no favors either to the public or the transgendered by treating their confusions as a right in need of defending rather than as a mental disorder that deserves understanding, treatment and prevention.”
Dr. McHugh is a very courageous man to take such a public stance exposing the ethical, moral and medical fallacies of forcing this type of “gender identity” fiction upon society. Dr. McHugh continues:
“Then there is the subgroup of very young, often prepubescent children who notice distinct sex roles in the culture and, exploring how they fit in, begin imitating the opposite sex. Misguided doctors at medical centers including Boston’s Children’s Hospital have begun trying to treat this behavior by administering puberty-delaying hormones to render later sex-change surgeries less onerous—even though the drugs stunt the children’s growth and risk causing sterility. Given that close to 80% of such children would abandon their confusion and grow naturally into adult life if untreated, these medical interventions come close to child abuse. A better way to help these children: with devoted parenting.
At the heart of the problem is confusion over the nature of the transgendered. “Sex change” is biologically impossible. People who undergo sex-reassignment surgery do not change from men to women or vice versa. Rather, they become feminized men or masculinized women. Claiming that this is civil-rights matter and encouraging surgical intervention is in reality to collaborate with and promote a mental disorder.”
Those who struggle with gender identity confusion, a diagnosable disorder, deserve compassion, support, and treatment. But history will not judge kindly those who are attempting to fundamentally change society in their quest to give credence to a destructive ideology that insists that we must create a genderless society while ignoring biology and reality.
The concluding irony is that all of these changes are being forced upon the population on behalf of about of .003 percent of the adult population – this number comes from UCLA’s Williams Institute on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy. And, the worst part is that we’re all, 99.997 percent of us, being required to participate in this “gender identity” fiction.
What can you do?
- Become educate on the issues surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity/expression.
- At a city, state and national level, actively oppose non-discrimination ordinances on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression – particularly these ordinances that have a “public accommodation” clause
- .Watch for signs of gender identity disorder (GID)among your loved ones; show love compassion and seek treatment if appropriate.
- Share this information with family, friends, and associates.
Ann Bailey is a longtime advocate for the family with a focus on UN and international policies.