by United Families International | Mar 4, 2010 | The Family, UFI Blog, UN
From left to right. Front row: Brenda Sanders, President of United Families Arizona; Heather Sanders, journalist extraordinaire; Joshua James, intern at UFI; Shellie Baird, also an intern at UFI. Back row; Marcia Barlow, UN expert; Michael Duff, President of United...
by United Families International | Mar 4, 2010 | UFI Blog, UN
This was the title of a side event at the UN CSW. If that doesn’t prick your interest, it gets better. Topic of discussion was “breaking the institutional barriers of cultural texts”. The reconstructionist Rabbi, Alissa Wise,a Jewish feminist who...
by United Families International | Mar 3, 2010 | UFI, UFI Blog, UN
(back) Marcia Barlow, UFI President Mike Duff (front) UFI-Arizona President Brenda Sanders, Interns Heather Sanders, Joshua James, Shellie...
by United Families International | Mar 3, 2010 | Same-Sex Marriage, Sexual Orientation, UFI Blog, UN
The ambassador was formal and dignified as he welcomed me into his office.* Not wanting to waste even a moment of such an important man’s time, I immediately presented him with our gift of UFI’s UN Negotiating Guide and proceeded to show him how to use the electronic...
by United Families International | Feb 26, 2010 | The Family, UFI Blog, UN
Next week, the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women will begin. What happens there will impact families the world over. Documents created by the United Nations create a lawmaking precedent that affect almost every country in the world. United Families...
by United Families International | Dec 9, 2009 | Abortion, Demographic Decline, Family, Population Control, UFI Blog, UN
Eliminating future populations is the key to controlling climate change. Or at least that is the underlying logic of the State of the World Population 2009 report released last month by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Population and Climate “Although...