by UFI Blog | Oct 3, 2018 | Pedophilia, Pornography, Prostitution, UFI Blog, Values, Violence
By Elizabeth Warner Cover image via National Center on Sexual Exploitation As a recent resident of Texas, I was appalled to hear about the proposed sex robot, or sexbot, brothel opening in Houston, Texas just a couple hours away from my home. While Houston’s...
by UFI Blog | Sep 7, 2018 | Child Abuse, Pornography
By Miriam Merrill Did you know that approximately 15,000 people are trafficked in the United States annually? These horrendous statistics require great action on our part. Though it’s difficult to discuss, a little education can go a long way in the fight against...
by UFI Blog | Feb 27, 2018 | Marriage, Pornography
By Elise Ellsworth Teenagers in Inner City Boston are now given the option of attending the pilot program of a “Porn Literacy” class in a program known as “Start Strong” in the Boston area. This class is designed to help students understand how pornography affects...
by UFI Blog | Feb 15, 2018 | Life, Pornography
by Marci Nelson Pornography has become a hot topic in recent years. Many celebrities, including Terry Crews and Pamela Anderson, have spoken out on the dangers of pornography. Many non-profit organizations such as Fight the New Drug and Citizens for Decency are...
by UFI Blog | Nov 28, 2017 | Family, father, Marriage and Family, Pornography
By Erin Weist News in the United States was recently inundated with scandals involving sexual assault. These subjects range through Hollywood celebrities, movie directors, politicians, high-profile doctors, and more. Most consist of women accusing men of assault,...
by UFI Blog | Sep 1, 2017 | Pornography, Values
By Elise Ellsworth A number of years ago, Times Square displayed a billboard featuring a number of backsides that were completely uncovered. The owner of the business on which the billboard was displayed—a church—decided to file suit to block the billboard display. A...