by UFI Blog | Oct 31, 2016 | Family, LGBT, Marriage, Same-Sex Marriage, The Family
by Erin Weist Same-sex marriage has been in global news this week and it appears that many throughout the world are still unsettled regarding the growing acceptance of this new trend. Grenada is currently seeking to revise its constitution, introducing several bills...
by UFI Blog | Oct 26, 2016 | Diane Robertson, Education, Gender, Gender Identity, Schools, Supreme Court, Transgender
by Diane Robertson A couple of years ago, President Obama quietly changed Title IX by adding transgender to the law. Last Spring, the Obama administration stated that all schools that did not allow students to use locker rooms, bathrooms, and sports teams according to...
by UFI Blog | Oct 19, 2016 | Diane Robertson, Education, Gender, Gender Identity, Parental Rights
by Diane Robertson Have you ever wondered where is the outrage? When the president mandated that through Title IX all schools receiving any federal funding had to allow students to use the bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams according to self-proclaimed gender...
by UFI Blog | Oct 6, 2016 | Family, father, Gender, Parents, Research
by Elise Ellsworth In my last article I indulged in a little uncalled for husband bashing – to which my husband turned a partially blind eye. I felt bad about this – my husband has saved my bacon in numerous situations, including watching the kids on a...
by UFI Blog | Sep 22, 2016 | Marriage and Family, Pornography
by Kindsey D. Smith Suzie looks down, fighting back the tears as her mind processes what her husband George (names have been changed) had just said. “I’m done being a father and I’m done being a husband” is something that Suzie never thought she would hear when she...
by UFI Blog | Aug 31, 2016 | Bioethics, Child Development, Diane Robertson, Eugenics, Family, Freedom, Gender Identity, Health Care, Sexual Orientation, Transgender, Values
by Diane Robertson The US federal government continues to push what it calls “transgender rights” on the American people and the American people continue to fight back. The Obama administration has come out with regulations for all hospitals that receive any...