by UFI Blog | Aug 30, 2017 | Gender Identity, Parental Rights, Schools, Transgender
By Diane Robertson Hardly anyone can forget how in May of 2016, the Obama Administration made an announcement that under Title IX, all schools receiving any form of federal funding must allow students to use the gendered bathroom of their choice. The issue was in the...
by UFI Blog | Aug 21, 2017 | Education, Schools
By McKayla Skinner My grandmothers were deeply impacted by the world wars. One was left without a father for a time, as he was a prisoner of war, and the other was a military wife who sometimes lived on the brink of starvation during a famine. Though both lived in...
by UFI Blog | Jul 19, 2017 | Diane Robertson, Education, Family, Parents, Schools
by Diane Robertson As a parent of many children, I have run the gamut of affordable school choices. I started my kids in public school. Dabbled for a couple years in home schooling, tried out a renowned charter school and ultimately pulled my kids out formal schooling...
by UFI Blog | Apr 19, 2017 | Diane Robertson, Religious Freedom, Schools, Supreme Court
by Diane Robertson Another aspect of the doctrine of separation of Church and State is on trial at the Supreme Court, today, April 19, 2017. This is an important case for families because it affects government interaction with both education and religion. Some say...
by UFI Blog | Jan 30, 2017 | Marriage and Family, Parents, Schools, Sex Education
Guest post by Tiffany Anderson and Audrey Edwards When was the last time the birds and bees got together to talk? Our personal sexuality is a big part of our individual identity. Our bodies were made for the amazing purpose of creation. This wonderful power was also...
by UFI Blog | Nov 2, 2016 | Diane Robertson, Gender, Gender Identity, Schools, Supreme Court, Transgender
by Diane Robertson The Supreme Court of the United States has agreed to hear the transgender school bathroom case coming from the 4th Circuit Court– G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board. The ACLU sued the Gloucester County School board in behalf of a student...