by UFI Blog | Jul 5, 2016 | Abstinence, AIDS, Birth Rate, Child Development, Choice, Education, Family, Health Care, Marriage, Parents, Research, Schools, Sex Education, Sexual Freedom, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Single Mothers, Values
By Cinthia Jahnsen The stork. An angel. Maybe a baby factory. A train. “Mom, where do babies come from?” Could this be one of the most dreaded questions that a parent is faced with? I was really worried about this topic of conversation when my kids became old enough...
by UFI Blog | Jul 1, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Cohabitation, Divorce, Family, father, Health Care, Marriage, Marriage and Family, Parents, Research, Sexual Freedom, The Family, Values
by Tashica Jacobson There are many benefits that come from marriage. The couple, the children and even society is influenced by marriage. In a study of unhappily married couples, those who stayed together were happily married five years later. (Waite, 2002). While...
by UFI Blog | Jun 28, 2016 | Drug Use, Education, Family, Health Care, Parents, Research
By Cinthia Jahnsen Is sugar really as harmful as some make it sound? The answer is “yes.” Agave nectar, brown rice syrup, high fructose corn syrup, dextrose, evaporated cane juice, glucose, lactose, malt syrup, molasses, sucrose. Do any of these sound...
by United Families International | Jun 3, 2016 | Child Abuse, Child Development, Choice, Education, Family, father, Free Speech, Parents, Research, Schools, The Family, Values, Violence
by Tashica Jacobson The small town of Dietrich, Idaho is in shock over the recent events that transpired between football team members. Last October three boys shoved a coat hanger up another team member’s rectum. This instance was not isolated and came after a long...
by United Families International | May 26, 2016 | Education, Family, Freedom, Research, working mothers
by Rebecca Mallory Well that was quick! I never planned such a quick follow up to my post on this subject just a few weeks ago. But no sooner did the government kowtow to the demands of minimum wage lobbyists than the free market took over, as it always does, and...
by United Families International | May 24, 2016 | Abstinence, Child Development, Choice, Cohabitation, Domestic Violence, Education, Family, Free Speech, Media, Parental Rights, Parents, Research, Sexual Freedom, Technology, Values, Violence
Sexual content and violence on TV and the potential effect it has on our kids. by Cinthia Jahnsen We all have been there. The awkward moment where we feel that what we are watching on television, or at the movies is not appropriate for our kids. (OrUS for that...