by UFI Blog | Sep 8, 2016 | Family, motherhood, Parents, Research
by Elise Ellsworth “FATSO.” With indignation, I poke my head out the door. Again, “fatso.” “He shouldn’t be calling him a fatso,” I tell my husband. “I know,” says my husband, completely nonplussed. It is hard to sit and write at the computer – kids keep...
by UFI Blog | Aug 24, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Constitution, Diane Robertson, Education, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Gender, Gender Identity, Media, Non-Discrimination, Parents, Religious Freedom, Religious rights, Research, Same-Sex Attraction, Schools, Sexual Orientation, Transgender, Values
by Diane Robertson The fight to maintain the natural family, parental rights, decency, and a respect for life in a society inundated with media that preaches the opposite is a hard fight. It’s hard to convince people that the opinions they once held about family,...
by UFI Blog | Aug 23, 2016 | Family, Marriage, Marriage and Family, Media, Research, Values
Studies show that simple things, such as sharing a TV show with your spouse, improves your marriage. By Jackie Bowles Recently, I had the privilege of participating in a graduation ceremony and accepting my very own diploma. This proved the end of a challenging time...
by UFI Blog | Aug 16, 2016 | Child Abuse, Child Development, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Drug Use, Family, father, Grandparents, Health Care, Marriage, Marriage and Family, Parents, Research, Sanctity of Life, Values, Violence
by Peggy Sturgill We were very good at keeping the family secret when I was growing up. To the outside world, we looked like a normal, happy family, much like the Cleaver family in “Leave It to Beaver.” No one suspected there was a monster living in our house. This...
by UFI Blog | Jul 26, 2016 | Child Development, Choice, Education, Family, Freedom, Parental Rights, Parents, Research, Schools, stay-at-home mom, The Family, Values
By Cinthia Jahnsen Have you ever thought of homeschooling as an option for your child’s education? My kids go to public school right now and I have loved their teachers. However, I do not love how much teachers seem to be losing their authority on how and what they...
by UFI Blog | Jul 19, 2016 | Environmentalism, Family, Marriage and Family, Media, Research, Values
Food waste in America By Cinthia Jahnsen Ok. Here’s the deal. I think we all love going to an all you can eat buffet. What can be better than endless amounts of delicious food with as many helpings as you wish, plus amazing mountains of dessert at your fingertips? ...