by United Families International | Dec 28, 2015 | Child Abuse, Child Development, Choice, Cohabitation, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, Marriage, Media, motherhood, Parents, Pornography, Prostitution, Religion, Religious Freedom, Sanctity of Life, Sexual Freedom, The Family, Values, Violence, Women's Rights
by Erin Weist A few months ago we wrote about the World Congress of Families that convened in Salt Lake City, Utah and focused on issues that affect families and family relationships. I was fortunate enough to attend several of the lectures and am thrilled that they...
by United Families International | Dec 23, 2015 | Abortion, Abstinence, Child Development, Choice, Cohabitation, Constitution, Diane Robertson, Drug Use, Education, Family, Feminism, Free Speech, Freedom, Gender, Gender Identity, LGBT, Non-Discrimination, Pornography, Religious Freedom, Religious rights, Same-Sex Attraction, Schools, Sex Education, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Orientation, Transgender, Values
by Diane Robertson We’re at that time of year where seniors in high school are making choices about what they want to do after graduation. Many are preparing for college, the military or some sort of training beyond high school. My oldest daughter, is there now. In...
by United Families International | Dec 8, 2015 | Abstinence, AIDS, Child Development, Choice, Education, Family, Free Speech, Gender, Health Care, Parents, Pornography, Research, Same-Sex Attraction, Schools, Sex Education, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Orientation, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Values
by Jessica Westfall It’s not new news that there are explicit sexual education programs being implemented throughout the western world. It’s hard as a parent to know what to do. In May, Toronto held a boycott against the curriculum, almost 35,000 students...
by United Families International | Dec 7, 2015 | Free Speech, Freedom, Religion, Religious Freedom, Religious rights, Values
by Erin Weist I am not Jewish but when I found that the celebration of Hanukkah began yesterday evening (the 6th of December) I was prompted to search more regarding the history and symbolism of this Jewish holy holiday. My own Christian roots are inseparable from...
by United Families International | Dec 4, 2015 | Abortion, Choice, Cohabitation, Divorce, Family, Free Speech, Freedom, LGBT, Marriage, Media, Parents, Planned Parenthood, Same-Sex Marriage, Sanctity of Life, Sexual Freedom, Sexual Orientation, The Family, Values
by Mekelle Tenney My daughter is five months old today! This will be her first Christmas. Yesterday I took her with me to do some Christmas shopping at the mall. As we walked in and out of the different shops and boutiques I was observing the atmosphere, the shoppers,...
by United Families International | Dec 3, 2015 | Child Development, Choice, Divorce, Education, Family, Free Speech, Parents, Schools, Single Mothers, The Family, Values, working mothers
by Rebecca Mallory Imagine this little scenario. Your 17 year old son comes to you with a notebook in hand. “Mom and dad, I have some demands I’d like to review with you. First, I’m done doing chores around the house. House work is just too menial...