by United Families International | Mar 4, 2011 | Polls, Pornography, Religion, Same-Sex Attraction, UFI Blog
Here’s the question: Religion and religious freedoms are under assault. Which group do you believe is the most aggressive in their efforts to remove religion from the public square? Here’s how UFI readers answered: 7 Percent Academia 42 Percent ...
by United Families International | Feb 17, 2011 | Marriage, Polls, UFI Blog
The question: “The average age at the time of first-marriage has been steadily increasing. Is that a positive or negative trend for marriage as a whole?” Here is your response: 20 percent Positive 80 percent Negative...
by United Families International | Feb 10, 2011 | Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Polls, UFI Blog
Here’s last week’s UFI Family Poll question and the results: Is Planned Parenthood’s effort to provide contraception, healthcare, and education to underprivileged women and children enough to warrant the continuation of taxpayer funding? 2 percent ...
by United Families International | Feb 3, 2011 | Polls, Schools, UFI Blog
Here’s this week’s Family Poll Question: Should schools implement anti-bullying policies that lists specific categories/groups for special protection or a zero-tolerance anti-bullying policy that covers all students equally? Here is the response of our UFI...
by United Families International | Jan 27, 2011 | Polls, Religious Freedom, UFI Blog
This poll received an unusually high number of people participating. This topic was generated because of the news story out of Britain about a small hotel owner who was fined for refusing service to a same-sex couple. There is also news story about Walgreens and a...
by United Families International | Jan 20, 2011 | Polls, Sanctity of Life, UFI Blog
“Should political rhetoric be blamed for horrific actions of lone-acting individuals?” was the question and here is how our readers responded: No 91 percent Yes 6 percent Undecided 3 percent Regarding this question, UFI...