by UFI Blog | Sep 6, 2018 | Education, Gender Identity, Parental Rights, Schools, Transgender
As your children return to school, it is important that parents know that many people, including high-level judges, believe you relinquish your right to control your child’s education the moment your child crosses the threshold of the school door. In a...
by UFI Blog | Mar 9, 2018 | Parental Rights, Parents, UFI, UN, Values
Some people have your back When it comes to protecting the integrity of the family and traditional values, one entity at the United Nations stands out, and that is the Holy See. “Holy See” comes from the Latin Sancta Sedes, which means “Holy Chair” and refers to the...
by UFI Blog | Feb 8, 2018 | Education, Parental Rights, Parents, Schools, Sex Education
By Tonya Cox I am sure we can all remember the first time we had the talk about “the birds and the bees.” In my experience, most kids react with disgust at the very notion of sexual intercourse when it is first introduced. I know my children did. Nevertheless, having...
by UFI Blog | Aug 30, 2017 | Gender Identity, Parental Rights, Schools, Transgender
By Diane Robertson Hardly anyone can forget how in May of 2016, the Obama Administration made an announcement that under Title IX, all schools receiving any form of federal funding must allow students to use the gendered bathroom of their choice. The issue was in the...
by UFI Blog | Aug 11, 2017 | Parental Rights, Sanctity of Life
By Christie Masters I recently found myself reorganizing my bookshelf when one of my science books from college caught my eye: “What is Life?” by Erwin Schrodinger. The title gave me pause, especially with the tragedy of little Charlie Gard so fresh in my mind. What...
by UFI Blog | Aug 3, 2017 | Parental Rights
by Diane Robertson By now, everyone knows the story of Charlie Gard. He was a very ill baby. His parents wished to transfer his care from the UK to the US. They had crowd-sourced over a million dollars for some experimental treatments. The Hospital would not let...