by United Families International | Dec 2, 2009 | Civil Unions, Parental Rights, Same-Sex Marriage, UFI Blog
A Vermont judge has ruled to give full custody of a seven year-old girl to her non-biological, lesbian mother in the state’s first same-sex custody battle. The child, Isabella, was conceived by Lisa Miller during her one year civil union to Janet Jenkins. When the...
by United Families International | Nov 6, 2009 | Parental Rights, Sex Education, UFI Blog
The British government just released plans to alter the public school sexual education requirements. The new law will mandate all 15 year-olds attend a yearlong sex-ed course before the age of 16. Parents have the option to have their students opt-out of sex-ed...
by United Families International | Nov 6, 2009 | Abortion, Parental Rights, UFI Blog
Abortion proponents are working once again to deny parental rights and override the legitimate will of the people through judicial activism. The ACLU of Illinois has filed suit against a law requiring doctors to notify the parents of underage girls 48 hours before...
by United Families International | Oct 20, 2009 | Parental Rights, Sex Education, UFI Blog
The sex-ed program in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District is to become a model for the nation. At least that is what organizations like the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States hope. Why is this a concern? First and foremost, because...
by United Families International | Oct 9, 2009 | Parental Rights, Sex Education, UFI Blog
The city of Glasgow announced a new comprehensive sex education program yesterday that will begin teaching students as young as four. The program will begin with Primary 1 students and build each year upon previous knowledge, following the students all the way through...
by United Families International | Oct 9, 2009 | Parental Rights, Same-Sex Attraction, Same-Sex Marriage, UFI Blog
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has until Sunday to decide on a bill that would establish a day of significance for slain politician Harvey Milk, the first openly homosexual official to be elected to public office in California. The bill, promoted as a day to...