by United Families International | Oct 10, 2011 | Abstinence, Parental Rights, UFI Blog
“Sex shots” for 12 year olds. That is how the pro-family organization Save California Families is framing the news that California governor Jerry Brown has signed the controversial bill that allows children who are 12 and older to seek medical care to prevent...
by United Families International | Sep 16, 2011 | Abstinence, Parental Rights, Polls, UFI Blog
Here’s the question we asked our readers: “Have you had your teen vaccinated against HPV – a sexually transmitted disease?” Here is how readers responded: 6 Percent Yes 9 Percent No, but plan to 3 Percent ...
by United Families International | Jul 7, 2011 | Free Speech, Parental Rights, Polls, Pornography, UFI Blog
Here’s the question we asked UFI readers: “Do you agree with the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision that minors, as a part of free speech, have a constitutional right to purchase video games – even if they are violent, pornographic, and sadistic?” Here is how our...
by United Families International | Jun 18, 2011 | Abortion, Cohabitation, Divorce, Marriage, Parental Rights, Polls, Same-Sex Attraction, Same-Sex Marriage, UFI Blog
Here is this week’s question: “Of the social issues impacting families, which is of greatest concern to you?” Here is how UFI readers responded: 34 percent Religious Freedom 14 percent Parental Rights 10 percent ...
by United Families International | May 23, 2011 | AIDS, Myth Buster, Parental Rights, Parents, Proposition 8, Same-Sex Attraction, Schools, UFI Blog
Pro-family organizations have been warning parents about it for years – schools are being used as centers for indoctrinating children to accept homosexual behavior as acceptable, mainstream, and normal. It appears that the homosexual activists have finally owned up...
by United Families International | May 20, 2011 | Child Development, Parental Rights, Religious Freedom, UFI Blog
There been a lot in the news recently about a topic that usually isn’t discussed in polite company. “Intactivists” in the City of San Francisco have collected enough signatures to place an initiative on the November ballot to ban circumcision. The measure, if passed,...