by United Families International | Apr 28, 2011 | Family, Feminism, motherhood, Polls, UFI Blog, Women's Rights
Here’s the question: “Do you believe the statement “women earn only 77 percent of what men earn for equal work?” Here is how UFI readers responded: 15 percent Yes, and things need to change! 19 percent Yes, but there’s more to this story. 63 percent ...
by United Families International | Apr 27, 2011 | Child Development, Family, motherhood, Parents, UFI Blog
By Rachel Allison As a mother of five children I look back and recognize that through their formative years there are things that we did right, and there are things that we did wrong. One thing that we did right? We role-played with our children. When our children...
by United Families International | Apr 19, 2011 | Child Development, motherhood, Parents, Schools, UFI Blog
By Rachel Allison “I am totally convinced that once a woman has borne a child, she owes that child herself more than anything else in the first five years of his life… I fear that raising emotion-starved and love-starved children can produce calloused, robotized...
by United Families International | Apr 7, 2011 | Child Development, Family, motherhood, Parents, UFI Blog
By Grace Sailor As a mother of four children, I have had a twenty year internal battle of balancing my personal and spiritual feelings in regards to being a mother versus how society views me as a mother. Recently a series of research studies found that women who...
by United Families International | Apr 4, 2011 | Family, motherhood, UFI Blog, Values
by Rachel Allison It was Sociology 111 where I was introduced to “the looking-glass self.” It was a concept created by Charles Horton Cooley in 1902. He claimed, “We see ourselves through the eyes of other people, even to the extent that we incorporate their views...
by United Families International | Mar 25, 2011 | Feminism, motherhood, Parents, Polls, UFI Blog
Here’s the question: “What about mothers with children ages 0-17 being employed outside the home? “ Here was the response of UFI readers: 81 percent “Only if absolutely no other choice” 14 percent “Part-time is OK” 5 percent “Should never do it”...