by United Families International | Sep 13, 2011 | Child Development, Family, father, motherhood, Parents, The Family, UFI Blog
by Rachel Allison An article I read many years ago still remains embedded in my memory. At the time of reading I was in need of the philosophy it espoused to support my efforts in getting my children involved in family work projects. Prior to reading I sometimes...
by United Families International | Sep 5, 2011 | Family, motherhood, Parents, Pedophilia, Same-Sex Attraction, The Family, UFI
by Rachel Allison If you haven’t felt the need to speak up for decency…if you haven’t had the time to get involved…if you are expecting the depravity in the world to never affect you and those you love…it’s time to change your approach to the world that is closing in...
by United Families International | Sep 1, 2011 | Child Development, Family, motherhood, Schools, UFI
By Grace Sailor It is that time again – the start of another school year. It seems like only yesterday when I was dropping my oldest son off at kindergarten, and now fifteen years later I find myself dropping my youngest off at junior high and my oldest is a junior...
by United Families International | Aug 19, 2011 | father, motherhood, Parents, UFI, UFI Blog
By Rachel Allison The response of British prime minister David Cameron to the recent riots and vandalism in his country made me shout “Hallalujah!…Finally!!!” Cameron states that his government is determined to mend the UK’s “broken society”....
by United Families International | Aug 16, 2011 | Child Development, Family, father, motherhood, Parents, The Family, UFI, UFI Blog
by Rachel Allison In today’s world of fascination with iPhones, iPads, iPods, computers, Internet and texting, social skills are becoming less and less evident. But what is even more troubling is the demise of family communication. Whether purposefully or...
by United Families International | Aug 9, 2011 | Family, motherhood, Parents, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
by Rachel Allison At the time I didn’t consider our financial struggles a season with purpose, I just recognized it as being extremely difficult. What my husband and I learned during those years of stretching every nickel seems insignificant compared to what our...