by United Families International | Jun 15, 2012 | Family, Marriage, motherhood, Polls
We asked UFI readers this question: “Which of these factors has contributed the most to the meteoric rise of unmarried child bearing?” Here’s how they responded: 48 Percent Sexual Revolution 16 Percent ...
by United Families International | Jun 12, 2012 | Child Development, Education, Family, father, motherhood, Parents, The Family, Values
Rachel Allison My daughter called this week to share her success of the day. One of her goals for the summer is to teach her children how to deep clean and organize age-appropriate areas of the home and garden. Her success? She and her three young children had...
by United Families International | Jun 5, 2012 | Child Development, Family, father, Grandparents, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, The Family, Values
Rachel Allison One of the many advantages that come with being “grandma age” is that I have figured out my strengths and weaknesses. I’m grateful for my strengths, and I’m patiently working on my weaknesses. One of my strengths: I don’t ignore the elephant in the...
by United Families International | May 29, 2012 | Child Development, Family, Feminism, Marriage, Media, motherhood, Parents, stay-at-home mom, The Family, Values, Women's Rights, working mothers
Rachel Allison What has our society done to us? Has Hollywood and advertising caused us to focus on looks rather than depth, and instant gratification rather than virtue and self-control? Have we become caught up with priorities that may bring status and recognition...
by United Families International | May 23, 2012 | Abortion, motherhood, Sanctity of Life
Ann Bailey What’s it like for a mother to be planning a funeral when she should be choosing paint colors for her newborn’s nursery? My neighbor and dear friend, *Sarah, knows the answer to that question. When her pregnancy reached the five month mark, she was told...
by United Families International | May 22, 2012 | Family, father, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, The Family, Values
Rachel Allison Last night my husband and I chose to watch a movie that had been highly recommended to us by several of our friends. The movie was “Courageous.” We borrowed it from a friend who had enjoyed the movie so much, he chose to purchase it for his personal...