by United Families International | Jun 10, 2013 | father, motherhood, Parents
Kristi Kane Several years ago, I heard a wise man proclaim to an audience of parents, “Parents, you cannot afford to be tired.” His statement surprised me. I asked myself, “What’s he talking about!? As a parent, I am almost always tired.” His statement is...
by United Families International | May 15, 2013 | Child Development, Education, Family, motherhood, Parents, stay-at-home mom, The Family, Values, working mothers
Rachel Allison I recently read the following: I am totally convinced that once a woman has borne a child, she owes that child herself more than anything else in the first five years of his life… I fear that raising emotion-starved and love-starved children can produce...
by United Families International | May 10, 2013 | motherhood, Same-Sex Attraction, Same-Sex Marriage
Diane Robertson I wanted to write about mothers and motherhood and the blessing and joys that come from being a mother. I wanted to tell mothers that they are doing a great work and to hang in there. Mothers change the world. Mothers are in charge. But alas, as each...
by United Families International | Apr 25, 2013 | Education, Family, motherhood, Parents, Religion, Schools
Rebecca Mallory National headlines from the past news week have undoubtedly set most Americans on edge. Shocking scenes of the tragedy at the Boston marathon finish line and the fiery images after the explosion of a fertilizer plant in Waco, Texas leave us all...
by United Families International | Apr 22, 2013 | Education, Family, motherhood, Parents, Sanctity of Life
Kristi Kane On Saturday I got to watch as my girls prepared for their school’s Prom. It was an exciting day. They helped each other with their hair and makeup, talked with their friends about how much fun they were going to have that evening, and finally, the...
by United Families International | Apr 16, 2013 | Abstinence, AIDS, Child Development, Cohabitation, Education, Feminism, Health Care, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Research, Sex Education, Values
Rachel Allison Dr. Miriam Grossman, M.D. worked at a campus counseling center for more than 10 years. The young women who came to her were in crisis. They were “working hard to fulfill their dreams: a college education, maybe grad school, a great career, and—at some...