by United Families International | Feb 6, 2014 | Family, father, Grandparents, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Sanctity of Life, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
Rachel Allison In wars past, I visualize men and more recently women in battle armor, fighting to defend our country and the freedoms of those they love and hold dear. There are many different kinds of battles and many different kinds of wars; all of which bring...
by United Families International | Feb 3, 2014 | Child Development, Feminism, Marriage, motherhood, UFI Blog
Aubrey Walton Imagine with me for a minute; you’re back in 4th grade. You’ve just gotten off the bus after a long day at school. Perhaps you were ignored by your best friend today; or yelled at by your teacher. Perhaps you were picked on in the school yard, or laughed...
by United Families International | Jan 22, 2014 | Child Development, Constitution, Family, father, Marriage, motherhood, Religion, Same-Sex Attraction, Same-Sex Marriage, The Family, UFI, UFI Blog, Values
Linda Ash It took years for our American Forefathers to recognize that the King of England wasn’t the all knowing, all caring solution to their health and well being…quite the contrary. He was too far removed from what they stood for and what their values had become...
by United Families International | Jan 22, 2014 | Abortion, adoption, motherhood, UFI Blog
Brianna Geddie Sacrifice: “to surrender or give up, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something else.” Selfish: “Devoted to or caring only for one’s self; concerned primarily with one’s own interests, benefits, welfare,...
by United Families International | Jan 21, 2014 | Child Development, Family, Gender, Grandparents, motherhood, Parents, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
Laura Lofgreen describes how motherhood has brought her new perspectives on life and helped her to see more clearly the love of her own mother. We hope you find her words helpful as we have, and please feel free to pass them along to others who might benefit from...
by United Families International | Jan 17, 2014 | Birth Rate, Child Development, Demographic Decline, Family, Family Planning, Feminism, motherhood, Parents, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
Elise Ellsworth In the last number of years a good amount of material has been published about the rewards of parenting. Are parents truly happier? Is parenting worth it? Many of these articles highlight the downsides of being a parent. Dirty diapers. Crying...