by United Families International | Nov 11, 2014 | Child Development, Education, Family, father, Gender, motherhood, Parents, The Family, UFI Blog, Values, Violence
Nathalie Bowman “Dad, wanna play catch?” The morning was beautiful, the mountain air was crisp and clean, and playing catch with dad was the order of the day. We grabbed our mitts & ball from the camp trailer and off we went to throw the ball back and forth. There...
by United Families International | Nov 5, 2014 | adoption, Child Development, Diane Robertson, Education, Family, father, Gender, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Research, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
Diane Robertson New Research being conducted on the differences between mothering and fathering has found that children need to the complimentary parenting styles from both genders. Jenet Erickson, research sociologist and author for the Deseret News, presented...
by United Families International | Nov 4, 2014 | Child Development, Education, Family, Feminism, Health Care, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Schools, stay-at-home mom, The Family, UFI Blog, Values, Women's Rights
Nathalie Bowman Over the past few days, there has been an uproar among conservative Americans surrounding President Obama’s speech on October 31 at Rhode Island College. After he opened with a few jokes, mentioned going trick-or-treating with Michelle because his...
by United Families International | Oct 29, 2014 | Child Development, Diane Robertson, Education, Family, father, Marriage, motherhood, Parents, Religion, Research, Schools, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
Diane Robertson This is part one of a three part series on parenting. I have been reading through some new and very interesting research that is being conducted on mothering and fathering. I am going to start from a personal view as a mother of ten (amazing) children....
by United Families International | Oct 28, 2014 | adoption, Child Abuse, Child Development, Divorce, Family, father, Feminism, Free Speech, Gender, Marriage, Media, motherhood, Parental Rights, Same-Sex Attraction, Same-Sex Marriage, Sexual Orientation, The Family, UFI Blog, Values, Women's Rights
Nathalie Bowman As same-sex marriage becomes legal across the country, same sex parenting is entering the picture now more than ever. What is the long term effect on children raised in the LGBT world? What of the women who are used to grow babies and sell them to...
by United Families International | Oct 3, 2014 | Child Development, Education, Family, father, Grandparents, motherhood, Parents, The Family, UFI Blog, Values
Maddi Gillel Yes, you hafta !!!!! How many times have we as parents, heard this from our children when we ask them to clean their rooms, practice the piano, mow the lawn, take out the trash? This article is for you parents who need some encouragement to keep on and...